Bob's Words of Wisdom News

When Idaho takes Federal Money, there is a Price to be Paid

Why is ARPA money being offered to Idaho? ARPA money is (Biden’s American Rescue Plan Act) and accepting and spending this money threatens Idaho’s sovereignty. Once we take this money we are committed to abide by the federal rules attached to these funds. This is borrowed money by the federal government which will have to be […]


Letter to the Editor Governor Little’s Emergency Powers

H135, S1136, and the Constitutionality of the Governor’s Emergency Power Yesterday, Governor Little announced his intention to veto House Bill 135 and Senate Bill 1136. Both pieces of legislation are intended to curb the Governor’s overreach in emergency situations. I listened to Mr. Little’s announcement and read his statement. In his speech, Governor Little affirmed […]


Life Brief: The Legislature Returns on Tuesday

The Legislature Returns on Tuesday The Idaho Legislature will return to work this next week, after taking a break because of a COVID outbreak at the Statehouse. There is a pile of unfinished business awaiting them, including tax cuts, budgets, transportation and some important work on the pro-Life threat. Critical Pro-Life Bills Need Senate Action […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Get Ready for Another Gas Tax Hike

On Friday, it was announced that Governor Little will host state-wide sustainable transportation funding roundtables with business and local leaders around the state to deal with Idaho’s unprecedented growth. The Governor said, “Before and during the pandemic, Idaho is the fastest-growing state in the nation. Idaho simply will not keep up with that growth if […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Op-Ed: Why Red Wave Radio Show Should Raise a Red Flag with Conservatives

We wasted an hour of our time this weekend listening to a 3-month-old radio show promoting the crony republicans in our legislature. The hosts of this show are Victor Miller, Chairman of the Ada County Republican Party, and former conservative Tom Luna, chairman of the Idaho GOP and the father of Common Core in Idaho. […]

John Livingston News

Noise and stuff and Stinky Fish

Humans can hear sound in the frequency range of 20 – 20,000 Hz vibrations per minute. There are, of course, sounds above and below the levels that we can hear. Radio frequencies are between 20 kHz – 30 GHz — much higher vibrations. Like listening to the radio, oftentimes adjacent frequencies can blur the frequencies […]


Don’t Trust Liberals Bearing Gifts

In the flurry of activity during the current 2021 legislative session, eyebrows were raised over background information that was presented on HB 226 during debate on the House floor, the bill ultimately failing. This bill would have provided a federal grant in the amount of $5,980,500 to the Office of the State Board of Education (ISBE) […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

TeaPartyBob: Conservative Idaho? Not any more

Good morning Kevin: Much of what you’ve been talking about this morning has to do with how our legislature allocates our tax dollars. For instance, our legislature just approved the largest supplemental appropriation in Idaho’s history for $369 million to cover the additional costs for Medicaid last year. We are giving our colleges over 20 […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Follow the Money

As most of you know, I have been following the political arena for many years and my mantra is if you want to know why something is happening in government, just follow the money. While we would all like to think that our elected officials are working for us if we do a little digging […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Uncorroborated Accusations and Important Legislation

Comments by TeaPartyBob on this morning’s Kevin Miller Show on KIDO Talk Radio – 107.5 FM & 580 AM Good Morning Kevin: I need to comment about this article in the liberal fake news Huffington Post. This rag is the Enquirer of politics ripping on anyone who they deem a threat to their agenda. This […]


Idaho Small Arms Protection Act

Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi just announced their push for a TOTAL BAN on AR-15s! The Idaho Small Arms Protection Act (the Second Amendment State Sanctuary upgrade), according to ISAA legal counsel, is unlike any other legislation in the country, designed to protect the owners of small arms in the United States. Idaho has a […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

An Open Letter to the Idaho Republican Party Chairman Tom Luna

Regarding your e-mail request for donations to build a state wide voter ID system Dear Mr. Luna and all associate RINOs, I would like to reply to your message sent to me by Amos Rothstein about the changes in the number of Democratic voters in our last election. This is something I have been aware […]

Gem State Patriot News