
A new Face Enters the Political Arena

Lyle Johnstone, Candidate for Idaho State Representative, District 26

I take great pleasure in announcing my candidacy for the Idaho State House of Representatives, District 26!

Please join me in taking Idaho back to a sovereign state position.

When elected to the State House of Representatives:

Christ Troupis Book
  • I will support our protected right to self-defense.
  • I will support grocery tax repeal.
  • I will support to lower or replace property taxes.
  • I will support individual medical freedom.
  • I will support election integrity.
  • I will support expanding education freedom.
  • I will support your protected right to due process.
  • I will NOT support to suppress the speech of citizens or their ability to peacefully assemble.
  • I will NOT support executive government lockdowns of businesses, churches, and nonprofit organizations.
  • I will NOT support any budget or spending bill that expands government.
  • I will NOT support to give any new power to the federal government.

We CAN go to the statehouse victorious! I am willing to go for you! I want to hear about your greatest concerns! 

The primary election is May 17th. What can you do? Be registered as a Republican and vote in the PRIMARY! Voters must be registered as a Republican by March 11th, to vote in the Primary. We need unregistered and/or unaffiliated voters to jump in make their vote count. We must win in the primary election to win in the general election in November.

Together, we make a winning team to take back Idaho, all of it!

Lyle Johnstone

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