News Opinions / Op-eds

Why are Idaho’s Gas Prices so High?

The price of gasoline has gone up significantly since January. Many Idahoans have taken notice. With many of us vacationing, prices around the country are also being noticed. July 26rd gas national average is $3.156/gal, while Idaho average is $3.736/gal. Policies from the Biden Administration are responsible for the increase of petroleum prices, a major […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Get Ready for Another Gas Tax Hike

On Friday, it was announced that Governor Little will host state-wide sustainable transportation funding roundtables with business and local leaders around the state to deal with Idaho’s unprecedented growth. The Governor said, “Before and during the pandemic, Idaho is the fastest-growing state in the nation. Idaho simply will not keep up with that growth if […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Op-Ed: Why Red Wave Radio Show Should Raise a Red Flag with Conservatives

We wasted an hour of our time this weekend listening to a 3-month-old radio show promoting the crony republicans in our legislature. The hosts of this show are Victor Miller, Chairman of the Ada County Republican Party, and former conservative Tom Luna, chairman of the Idaho GOP and the father of Common Core in Idaho. […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Follow the Money

As most of you know, I have been following the political arena for many years and my mantra is if you want to know why something is happening in government, just follow the money. While we would all like to think that our elected officials are working for us if we do a little digging […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Let’s Talk Turkey on Taxes

First, I would like to chime in on some of your comments about the legislature and how they do a lot of talking but when it comes to cutting their bloated budgets and reducing taxes, they are nothing but a flock of lame ducks. Let’s be honest; most of them have yet to prove themselves […]


Taxed Enough Already? Idaho’s Tax Climate is the worst in the Region

Idaho enjoys a reputation as a ‘conservative’ state due primarily to the Republican supermajority in the state legislature, but despite the commonality of the belief, the reality is far different. Yes, Idaho has less restrictive gun laws than many other states (even though there are still several problems to be resolved), but when it comes […]


PODCAST: Tea Party Bob and Steve Ackerman Talk About Taxes in this Legislative Session

Gem State Patriot TV

Bob discusses Idaho Taxes with former Senator Russ Fulcher


An open letter to Chairman Palmer and members of the House Transportation & Defense Committee

To: Chairman Palmer and members of the House Transportation & Defense Committee. Congratulations Representative Palmer for your bold proposals on fixing our transportation problem, but why are you laying most of the burden on the middle and lower income families of Idaho? Your suggestion of raising the gasoline tax by 8 cents and the diesel […]

Gem State Patriot News