Opinions / Op-eds

Labrador Letter – Idaho Lands in Idaho Hands

Dear Friends, This past Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court announced it would not hear a Utah public lands lawsuit filed in August of 2024 to move undesignated Bureau of Land Management (BLM) lands to individual state control. This decision was made without consideration of the constitutional merits of the case. I filed an amicus brief […]


The Battle for Western Lands

A Complex Fight for Control, Resources and Sovereignty A Podcast with Tea Party Bob and Congressman Russ Fulcher Listen here: The Historical Foundation of Federal Control The current land management crisis in the American West has its roots in post-Civil War politics. Idaho stands among five states where federal control exceeds half the land […]

Opinions / Op-eds

The Next Illegal Scam

This scheme is nothing more than an illegal way to deprive Americans from using both private and public land, and using their money to enrich the corporate world. As part of this administration’s agenda to implement the international 30×30 plan, that is, placing 30% of land into conservation by 2030, it only makes sense to […]


Western Caucus Members Introduce Bill to Protect Multiple-Use on Federal Lands

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Congressman John Curtis (R-UT), alongside Congressional Western Caucus Chairman Dan Newhouse (R-WA) and Congressman Russ Fulcher (R-ID), introduced legislation to halt the proposed Bureau of Land Management (BLM) public lands rule that undermines the agency’s approach to federal land management by upending decades of multiple-use administration. With more than 90% of BLM’s 245 […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Is The BLM Breaking the Law Again?

Sometimes the agendas come so rapidly it is difficult to keep them apart because at the core they all serve the same purpose. Since the federal government no longer operates as three separate branches with the legislative branch assigned to creating laws, the Executive Branch and unconstitutional administrative rulemaking process now create laws that Americans are subjected […]


What is the 30 x 30 & More? America’s Forests Closed

The Colorado Wilderness Act of 2021, H.R. 803, also known as Protecting America’s Wilderness and Public Lands Act, was just passed by the House in Congress and referred to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources by the Senate. This bill includes eight previous individual measures for public land and water protections in Arizona, Colorado, […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Former Interior Secretary Sally Jewell Unwelcome in the Gem State

Sally Jewell, former Secretary of Interior under President Obama, took the gloves off last week when she gave a speech at Boise State. According to a story by the Idaho Statesman on September 26th, Jewell proceeded to berate the Trump administration for the way they are supposedly bullying federal employees. She said that they were […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Why our Federal Forests are so Poorly Managed

I believe that each of our elected federal Senators and Representatives in Washington D.C. needs to have at least one qualified natural resource staffer to help them understand the problems we face in our counties and state. Idaho is a very wealthy state when it comes to natural resources but a very poor state when […]


Don’t Let Big Government Take Control of Your County Money

Why is it that big government is always seeking more control of state and county money through various government agencies? These private corporations do nothing but create more rules and regulations that rip power out of the hands of the electorate and their county commissioners. I recently had an opportunity to read through 61 pages […]


Governors: Traitors To The People

With the slow death of illegal Landscape Conservation Cooperatives (LCC), the regrouping of the organizations that comprised LCCs, and new funding from foundations for continued work, the pursuit of taking land continues. The Western Governors Association (WGA) was established in 1984 and is comprised of Governors from the western half of the United States including […]


Fallen Giant

My uncle was an engineer for the Forest Service, he helped design and build the Yankee Fork road we used to access our summer gold camp. He was a proud employee of an organization that was regaled as America’s keeper of the Forests. Throughout the 1960s the USFS provided wood products for a growing nation […]


Government Shutdown Shows We Need to Decentralize National Parks

— Published with Permission of — The federal government is in the midst of a partial “shutdown.” Don’t worry, there’s still plenty of money flowing to a great many government departments. And even those workers who experience deferred salaries during the shutdown will almost certainly get their back pay paid in full. But as […]

Gem State Patriot News