
Set Education Free

A friend recently shared a photo with me in an email that caught my attention and prompted me to ponder, once again, the matter of education. In the picture, a child is asking her mother: “Why do I have to go to school?” To which the mother replies: “So you can be molded into a […]

Opinions / Op-eds

State Senate Candidate Bill Rutherford: Public Education Funding in Idaho

Editor’s Note: We are providing this opinion piece by Bill Rutherford, the Democrat Candidate for Idaho State Senator in District 20, in order to assist our readers in understanding their political options. Our publication of this article does not constitute an endorsement of Mr. Rutherford or his positions. This is a story about how Undisclosed […]


You Thought the NSA was Invasive? Schools are Worse!

Parents Upset about Invasive School Registration Questions Across Idaho, parents are discussing the kinds of school registration questions being asked about their children and they are not happy. During the past week parents have expressed concerns about the amount of information they have to enter into Power School – a registration and data management software […]


PODCAST: Bob Neugebauer interviews Stephanie Zimmerman and Mila Woods on Common Core


What’s wrong with Idaho’s education system and what can we learn from a successful private school?

Two months ago we had an opportunity to visit The Ambrose School. This is a private not for profit Traditional Christian school with about 400 students from K-12. When we first drove onto the school grounds you would think your were visiting some billionaire’s Tudor Mansion, yet upon entering the doorway we were amazed by […]

Gem State Patriot TV

Bob discusses Common Core with former Senator Russ Fulcher

Gem State Patriot TV

Gem State Patriot TV, Episode #3

Common Core? Not for Idaho!

Gem State Patriot News