John Livingston

We had a Great Awakening

For the past four years several times a day I have prayed that we have another GREAT AWAKENING IN OUR COUNTRY. WE have had several such religious revivals. Faith, has always informed our political philosophy and politics in our country, starting with the words of our GREAT DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE.—’WE are endowed by our Creator […]

John Livingston

Alibis Destroy Character

Any follower or disciple of the great philosopher and Apologetic L. Marvin Moorehead, who practiced his craft like a mid-20th century Socrates in classrooms and on football fields in Central Ohio, has forever “imprinted on their brains” the words “ALIBIS DESTROY CHARACTER”. 2000 years earlier the greatest of all teachers and The Son of God […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Will this be the last Election in America?

I certainly hope and pray that this will not be the last election, but as we all know, the Lord works in mysterious ways. I must admit that our country is at a crossroads and it is certainly a time for prayer. Being a member of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, I recently received a letter […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Liberation Day?

November 5th as Liberation Day? I like it. The Left going mad? Absolutely. Harris a pathological liar? Obviously. Her campaign a dumpster fire about to be extinguished? I fervently hope so. I hope that 11-6-24 dawns as gloriously as 11-6-16 did. I remember that day well. Trump had been given pretty much a zero chance […]

John Livingston

A Time for Prayer

This may be my last post at the Gem State Patriot before the November Presidential Election. I have attempted to present reasons for voting for President Trump based on political philosophy and Biblical and Natural Law Principles, but today I want to present a very practical and very real reason for supporting DJT—MILITARY READINESS is […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Get Involved: Make Your Voice Heard this Election

In the heart of Idaho, the call to action is resounding louder than ever as we stand at one of the most pivotal electoral crossroads of our time. Across our country, and particularly within our great state, the importance of getting involved in this election cannot be overstated. The stakes are high, and the impact […]

John Livingston

Who Are the Real Fascists?

What is “gaslighting”? It is simply not telling the truth. We must however understand that the media and political elites who substitute a political narrative for facts that set the premise for any argument, must first not tell the truth. Their story of policy and philosophy has been a dismal failure. We must first understand […]

John Livingston

Another Great Awakening — Please God!

I opined over a year ago that we need a new GREAT AWAKENING. As this election season draws to an end, I believe this is truer than ever before. We all know in our hearts that there is something wrong with the world, but there has always been something wrong with the world. There are […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

The Trump Transition Team

I think we all remember the problems with Trump’s first term in office and most of them developed because of bad choices by the transition team. The choice of Christe as the leader of this team was a major mistake and having to replace him just three days after the election with Mike Pence created […]

John Livingston

Informed by Faith

As political campaigns evolve and mature, as the factions become hardened and the number of people who will determine the election becomes a smaller fraction of the electorate—who could possibly be in the middle or undecided at this point in time in our country(?)—the words of my mother who ran many political Statewide election campaigns […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Vance Emerges Victorious in VP Debate

In Tuesday’s Vice Presidential debate, Republican Senator JD Vance dominated Democrat Governor Tim Walz, showcasing why the Trump-Vance ticket is the best choice for Idaho and the nation. Vance’s confident and articulate delivery of his policies, coupled with his commitment to traditional American values, set him apart from the visibly nervous and at times, discombobulated Walz. Throughout […]

John Livingston

Our Constitution or Hope and Change

The upcoming General Election including the Presidential and Congressional Elections are not just about personalities and policies. It is more about the process of governance as we pass the political torch onto the next generations. Republicans of all stripes have shown an allegiance to our Constitution, to our Courts—no matter how much they have been […]

Gem State Patriot News