Opinions / Op-eds

Down The Trail To A Digital ID

Incrementally, steps are being taken to either engage Americans into an ongoing tracking or a digital ID system, all for the purposes of continual surveillance. One such step is about to become a requirement, or at least, that is what they want you to think. Real ID is a program issued by the Department of […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Prevent Biometric Digital IDs

Nearly a Quarter of US States Introducing Biometric Digital IDs, Many Are Republican States Published August 24, 2023 by Leo Hohmann Journalist Leo Hohmann makes the case that both Democrats and Republicans are eager to advance the digital ID/ central bank digital currency (CBDC) recipe for globalist control. He wrote, “*Digital ID + CBDC = Total […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Is Digital Identity Coming?

It seems regardless of how much opposition exists to the federal government agenda, it still just marches on. Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ) introduced S.884 – Improving Digital Identity Act of 2023, in March of this year, “To establish a Government-wide approach to improving digital identity.” Sen. Cynthia Lummis (R-Wy) is her partner in crime. This […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Central Bank Digital Currency -The Road to Serfdom

Idahoans are pretty independent, not only in mind but in survival as well. The strength of these characteristics varies depending on where they live, rural or urban. Regardless, no Idahoan can escape the train that is coming down the track towards them. There are many primary issues being dumped on Idaho that are being fought, […]

Gem State Patriot News