Bob's Words of Wisdom

Why does our Government Subsidize Corporations?

The government began Oil subsidies back in 1916 to speed up depreciation of drilling costs which can be quite substantial. A second subsidy was the oil depletion allowance, that became law in 1926. The oil depletion allowance is the biggest incentive to invest in drilling for oil, natural gas and fracking and without this allowance, […]


Idaho Fish & Game Evolving To Corporatism

In 2007 the Western Governors Association (WGA) created the policy Resolution 07-01, Protecting Wildlife Migration Corridors and Crucial Wildlife Habitat in the West” which has since been scrubbed from their website. The purpose was “to strengthen the protection of wildlife migration corridors and crucial wildlife habitat in the west.” Subsequently, in 2008, the Wildlife Corridors […]

Gem State Patriot News