News Opinions / Op-eds

Storytelling is Wrong

In politics, storytelling is a way of life. One side spins the facts and omits the negatives, hoping to persuade the voter to do their bidding. This is the case for Medicaid expansion here in Idaho.

Most states that implemented the expansion provided a pathway for funding. They realized that the expansion will cost millions of dollars and the savings in other areas will not be enough. Not so here in Idaho. The proponents glossed over the required 10% funding required by the state (for now) and instead, intentionally left out a funding solution. Why? Because raising taxes would have made Prop 2 much harder to pass.

Our legislators are currently trying to find the needed 42 million for fiscal year 2021. Since Prop 2 did not provide funding, the money is coming from areas which were not earmarked for this expense. The Master Tobacco Settlement (24 million) will not cover all the funding needed. This is a major concern.

Reclaim Idaho is insisting that the paperwork and work requirements are too burdensome on applicants. Get real. Every government program has paperwork and provides an appeal process should one be denied. Walk or call in centers will be available to assist. Just like any other government program. They claim “that 26,000 Idahoans could lose healthcare” should the paperwork requirements be implemented and will “kick thousands off healthcare.” Explain that in detail, please.

Do not be blinded by the storytelling from the proponents of Medicaid expansion. If anything, we should be concerned about “grassroots” groups that take funding from large outside interest organizations.

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