Bob's Words of Wisdom

Special Airfare for Illegals Coming to America

With word being spread that there are hundreds of thousands of criminals in our country the question remains “Where Are They” and how do we get them out? We are hearing about the surge in Venezuelan gang activity across the U.S. but is the liberal media reporting the truth to the American people since they only seem to be interested in talking about good news. We should all be aware that the crime figures collected by federal agencies are being skewed by many of the sanctuary cities where these unreported crimes are taking place.

In many cases, the number of serious crimes being committed by illegal immigrant criminals are being suppressed by both local and federal law enforcement officials. While Biden and Harris have not officially commented on the reports of hundreds of thousands of criminals roaming our country the officials of DHS say that the numbers are from 4 decades of reports. The 13,099 immigrants convicted of homicide living in the U.S. may have never had contact with ICE and the Border Patrol does not have information on previous criminal activity.

Our government agencies have been lying to us for so long that we can no longer count on them to tell us the truth. Don’t think for a minute that the Biden/Haris administration are not suppressing the numbers of known criminals here in America actively participating in criminal activities.

It is currently estimated that more than 7.5 million immigrants on ICE’s “non-detained” docket, meaning they have pending immigration cases but are not currently in detention. As crimes in these sanctuary cities continue to increase many of them are now being put in the position of rethinking their policies of not reporting illegal criminals to ICE. Many of our major cities are on the verge of a criminal crisis and most of them do not have a police force large enough to deal with this growing problem because 25% of their officers have left the force. Here is what the Center for Immigration Studies had to say. “President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) refuses to publicly identify the dozens of U.S. international airports for which it has approved direct flights from abroad for certain inadmissible aliens. At least 386,000 migrants through February have been allowed to fly to interior U.S. airports as part of a legally dubious admissions program the administration launched in October 2022.” {1}

Christ Troupis Book

The liberal media propaganda machine would have Americans believe that this is a normal procedure for bringing illegals into our country but, truth be known, is just another way to avoid having them cross the southern border. The countries whose citizens are eligible for these fly-ins are Cuba, Haiti, Venezuela, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Colombia, and Ecuador. There are 43 U.S. airports that have been used to fly these illegals in but the Government will not release which ones they are. These inadmissible aliens are purported to have been cleared by immigration authorities and can claim eligibility under the family reunification parole program or have a non-family financial sponsor which in most cases would be NGO’s. Americans are well aware that most of the illegals who are entering our country have not been vetted, so why would we think that the ones who have been flown in have been given the proper background checks?

The liberal media says that the numbers of illegals with criminal records that Trump is putting out are for the past 40 years and not just during the Biden/ Harris’s 3 ½ years. If that is the case, why is it that we have had such a surge in crime rates that is not even being reported? Once again, the Democratic propaganda machine is working 24/7 to make sure that nothing Trump says about the criminals that Kamala has let into our country gets into the mainstream media.

Are there really 13,000 murders and 25,000 rapists in our country? I doubt we will ever know the truth, but what I will say is it will eventually be seen in the big Sanctuary cities as one by one they can no longer hide or suppress the number of crimes being committed by the Illegals.

Most of us who have lived in Idaho for a long time are very comfortable in thinking that it will never happen here in our backyard. That would be wrong thinking as we know that illegals are already in our state but they have been well distributed so as to make most Idahoans think that it is not happening here. We have heard about the buses coming in full of foreigners who are then distributed to different areas of our state. If you think for a minute that our governor isn’t aware of this happening you should ask yourself what it is costing Idaho in “Federal Memorandums of Understanding” to receive 40% of our state budget from the federal government. Don’t fool yourselves people into thinking they are not here as they are taking jobs unnoticed because our economy is still in reasonable shape but what happens when the economy turns south and the layoffs start?

Idahoans are very fortunate in that our state consistently ranks as one of the safest states in the country, with a crime rate that’s well below the national average. In fact, Idaho’s violent crime rate is about 207 incidents per 100,000 people, This is why we have seen so many newbies move into our state which is good and bad as they have caused a housing crunch like never before seen. Of course there are always those one-off crimes committed as we had here in New Meadows not too long ago when the owners of one of our hotels were shot by an out-of-state person catching everyone by surprise. So, while we all feel comfortable with our safety, we have a further deterrent which is an “open or concealed carry law” which gives criminals pause before committing a crime here. They realize that they could be subject to armed resistance and that is a big deterrent. While we have not yet seen the rampant crime here as in other states, I have been told by reputable sources that the drug gangs are here in our cities and we should be thankful that our law enforcement officers are working hard to keep the criminals at bay.

All I can say is that while we are reasonably safe here in Idaho many of our fellow Americans are suffering with the huge inflows of illegals because of Biden and Harris border policies. They have been trying to change our country by opening our borders for the past 3 ½ years with an unsustainable number of illegals. They are wreaking havoc in our major sanctuary cities using our tax money to pay for housing, food, shelter, and medical care for the 8 million who have come here illegally. This is unstainable but only half of us realize why this is happening. The question is why do 50% of Americans think Kamala should be president? It is totally beyond my comprehension how anyone with a modicum of mental capacity could vote for a woman who virtually wants to turn America into a third-world country by curtailing your freedom of speech, taking your guns, raising your taxes, stopping you from eating real meat, forcing you to drive electric vehicles and giving all illegals citizenship. This story ends on November 5th and how you vote will determine if America will survive as our forefathers wanted it to or if we will enter a new age of socialism governed by the elitists for the elitists. Make your vote count or be prepared to lose your freedoms.

“We get the Government We Deserve”

{1} CIS article April 24

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6 replies on “Special Airfare for Illegals Coming to America”

Ultimately we will have to play a roll in the mass deportations. The government alone will be incapable of it unless a strong, irrevocable, and unrelenting policy is put into place. It will have to make the personal consequences worse than leaving voluntarily. Even that will not be 100%. Ammo up it is coming.

Let’s not dote on Idaho law enforcement too much. Recently, a Meridian youth was attacked by an overzealous officer, and before that Idaho law enforcement lost a lawsuit where they used excessive force and no logic in arresting an elderly Kuna man for looking in a parked police vehicle, and before that we had Meridian PD surrounding an innocent family at a gas station and taking their healthy baby to St Luke’s where they “broke protocol” as the good doctor described in police body cam footage and transported the healthy baby with “no interventions” (also Dr statement) to a different hospital to avoid public pressure. I’d bet there are more examples, but these three egregious acts should result in a major investigation and officers fired.

Word. City police officers and their chief serve at the pleasure of the city council and Mayor or City Manager. These political hacks set the policy. Therefore, whoever is filling Officer Friendly’s rice bowl tells him or her what to enforce, what to overlook, and how to think. I have seen this with my own eyes.
I was a Deputy Sheriff in SoCal for many years. The difference with Sheriff’s Department is the Sheriff is an elected official answerable to the voters, who will throw him/her out if they cater to corruption. Here in Kootenai County, we are fortunate to have a Constitutional Sheriff who gives unqualified support to the BOR, especially the 2nd Amendment. But Idahoans do not have to look very far to see police corruption in Democrat-controlled cities around the country. The “straws in the wind” which you have described are getting more numerous. Stay vigilant. Plan accordingly.

We need to wake up! I have seen a truck load, picked up at the Albertsons in Eagle. We need to support our Police, it’s a hard job getting harder. I hear this happening in other states as well. It is happening right in front of us and we don’t see it because government is hiding it.


Today’s open-border agenda isn’t anywhere near the biggest border threat to America.

“For I, saith Yahweh, will be unto her a wall of fire round about, and will be the glory in the midst of her.” (Zechariah 2:5)

Without Yahweh, God of the Bible, as America’s principle wall of protection, the border will never be completely secure.

Compounding America’s border problems is that America has become so ungodly that, not only is God not her wall of protection, but He’s become her greatest enemy.

America officially rejected Yahweh as her Sovereign and thus His immutable moral law as supreme in 1787 when the constitutional framers replaced Him with We the People as her Sovereign and His moral law (including the First Commandment as America’s principle border and immigration law) for the biblically seditious Constitution as supreme, per Article 6.

It was then that America began her suicidal trek to the precipice of moral depravity and destruction she presently find herself teetering on, being pushed over the edge by alleged Christians and patriots who are bent on promoting the genesis of her national woes as the solution to the problems created thereby.

“[B]ecause they have … trespassed against my law … they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind….” (Hosea 8:1, 7)

Today’s America is reaping the inevitable ever-intensifying whirlwind (including her border and immigration woes) resulting from the wind sown by the constitutional framers and fanned by today’s hoodwinked Christians and patriots who have been bamboozled into believing today’s whirlwind can be dissipated by appealing to the wind responsible for spawning the whirlwind.

For more, see Chapter 3 “The Preamble: We the People vs. Yahweh” of free online book “Bible Law vs, the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective” at

Then Chapter 9 “Article 6: The Supreme Law of the Land.”

Find out how much you really know about the Constitution as compared to the Bible. Take our 10-question Constitution Survey in the right-hand sidebar and receive a complimentary copy of a book that examines the Constitution by the Bible.

Bob; good thoughts. We are in the process of correcting one of Idaho’s flaws. While trying to understand why a Mexican National living in Texas illegally two years ago could own a AR15 and kill 5 of his neighbors, also illegal, could own an AR, I found that in Idaho State and Local police could not arrest an illegal for possessing a firearm. That is now in the process and being printed. Idaho Law officers will be required to arrest them and they will be transferred to Federal Prisons, punished and then sent to the country of their origin. Not filling up our prisons. Sara; In old Idaho we did not fool with criminals. We put their bruised bodies in jail. Thats why we had a good, and safe state.

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