Bob's Words of Wisdom

SOTU – 73 Minutes of Unadulterated Propaganda and Lies

What I heard in the SOTU was an old man who was pumped up with drugs and deteriorating mentally shouting like an angry child who was looking for attention. This is a man who three short years ago claimed he was going to be the great uniter yet he has done nothing but divide our country. The only time he seems to speak with any sort of clarity is when he is reading from a teleprompter and even then he fumbles his words. He is no more than a puppet for the left who needs to be put out to pasture in the next election. His comments on the economic achievements of his administration were nothing short of unadulterated BS scripted by his handlers. You don’t have to be a genius to realize the speech he gave was purely political and had nothing to do with reality or uniting our country. I seriously doubt that he even understood what he was saying. We have an unbalanced, corrupt, mentally impaired president running our country and if we don’t vote him out of office this November this great nation is doomed to become a victim of Americans making bad choices.

As I watched his supporters cheering and standing up and down it looked very much like an aerobics class for brain-dead geriatrics playing Simon Says. These lost souls cheered for just about everything and anything that came out of Joe’s mouth including less restrictions on abortion and allowing more illegals to breach our borders till anarchy prevails. Joe was even brazen enough to chide our Supreme Court Justices in the audience about the decision to eliminate Roe v Wade. You can bet that if Biden is reelected, he will attack the Supreme Court and push to pack it by expanding its number of justices. If nothing else, Joe’s performance as president should teach us how important it is to select the right person to lead our country.

It only took three short years for Joe and company to kill our economy and give us spiraling inflation the likes of which we have not seen in 40 years. He continues to talk about how he is helping the working man when in reality he is destroying the middle class with his climate policies and restrictions on fossil fuels. The polls clearly show that he is by far the worst president in our history and he still has a year left to do some more damage. Biden is a one-man wrecking crew who is ushering America into an age of economic socialism and moral decay.

Through government programs, our children are being indoctrinated in the public school system and universities to be America’s future socialists. With long hours each day and 13 years of education our schools have the unparalleled opportunity of influencing children. We only need to look at how the government has been pushing DEI and Critical Race Theory as if it was the 3 R’s of days gone by. We no longer teach morality or ethics in our public educational system and haven’t for some time as teachers are burdened with running day care centers while both parents work 40-hour weeks to make ends meet. Is it any wonder that we see corruption running rampant in our government with new scandals being exposed every day yet no one seems to understand that we the people allowed this to happen. We have all been watching the American Dream disappear before our very eyes and are so divided that many believe it is hopeless to try and turn things around.

Christ Troupis Book

Biden continues to emphasize how strong our economy is under his administration yet credit card debt has now exceeded one trillion dollars and many families are living from paycheck to paycheck. The average family doesn’t have enough in their savings account to pay a $400 bill in an emergency yet Joe tells us the economy is booming. Unfortunately, the reality is that figures lie when liars figure. It is virtually impossible to get the truth anymore from the legacy media as they spin everything in favor of the Democrats. Propaganda runs rampant telling us how good the economy is as American families sink slowly into the great financial abyss created by Joe and crew.

Biden talked extensively about taxing corporations; however, anyone who has a modicum of common sense knows that when you raise taxes on corporations consumers are the ones who pay the bill as they raise their prices. So if you think inflation is high now just give this guy 4 more years to completely undermine and destroy the middle class. Even the American dream of owning your own home is quickly becoming a thing of the past as interest rates stay high and housing prices continue to be out of the reach of most families.

What Biden didn’t talk about was that the same people who brought you the financial crisis of 2008 are at it again causing high prices and less availability of affordable housing for American families. Who are those responsible for the increased cost and shortage of single-family housing? It is the same people on Wall Street who support the Democrats and helped create the housing crash of 2008 and were bailed out using over $800 billion of your tax dollars.

The truth be known there are three major investment companies who are supporters of the Biden administration that own huge investments in single family homes. These investment companies along with Wall Street Hedge funds are continuing to expand their portfolios at the expense of middle-class families who can no longer afford to purchase the” American Dream.” As our nation continues to face a crisis in housing affordability congress is just now beginning to act by introducing the End Hedge Fund Control of American Homes Act aimed at ending Wall Street ownership of residential housing.

It is these behemoths of the Wall Street investment world and their elitists managers who are working to fundamentally change America into their third world country. These three companies Blackrock, Vanguard and State Street combined manage over $15 trillion in global assets, equivalent to more than three-quarters of U.S. GDP. The combined assets of these three investment managers account for about 82% of the S&P 500‘s market capitalization and you can bet they vote at corporate stockholder meetings and influence corporate decisions. It is this triumvirate that are responsible for much of the corporate implementation of ESG and controls today’s corporate WOKE and DEI agendas. Where do these investment firms get their huge sums of money? Much of it comes from retirement investment accounts so in a manner of speaking we the people are allowing our own retirement funds to be used in the destruction of the America we all know and love. We have once again become our own worst enemy by entrusting our retirement money with these leftists investment firms.

So while Joe and his elitist puppeteers continue to lead our country down the Road to Perdition our Attorney General Garland has just announced that his justice department will do everything in its power to make voting in our next election easy for illegals to participate. Recently in a speech Garland pledged to fight voter ID laws and other election integrity measures that he deemed “discriminatory, burdensome, and unnecessary.

This will make it more difficult to contain voter fraud.

Let’s take a look at the dire economic news that the Biden administration is so pleased with. For starters, 82% of Americans, according to a New York Times poll, say the country’s headed in the wrong direction. Gas prices are still higher under Biden along with inflation and we are currently in a soft recession. Housing for most of middle America is now out of reach with interest rates soaring along with the cost to build as inflation takes a serious toll on the price of materials. The Food stamp “Thrifty Plan” cost to feed a family of four has jumped 31% over the past 3 years from $675 a month to $975.90 monthly. Since President Biden took office, the average worker has lost over $4,900 in real wages. Yes, folks, this is Bidenomics at its best, and don’t expect it to improve any this year.

We are slowly sinking into a sea of political manure and we are the only ones who can change the course of history. This November 5th we will have a choice and we had all better get our butts to the polls and make sure that Biden and his cronies don’t get another 4 years as it would mean an end to America as we know it. The silent majority has been silent long enough. We need a president who knows not only how to swim in the swamp but also how to drain it. The Washington bureaucrats took advantage of Trump in his first term but knowing him it will not happen a second time. If he is reelected you can be sure they will pay a big price for their antics.

Remember, “We Get the Government We Deserve.” MAGA Success will be our retribution.

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2 replies on “SOTU – 73 Minutes of Unadulterated Propaganda and Lies”

Have you ever wondered how America ever ended up with Joe Biden as a civil “leader,” at any level of government?

Could it have something to do with Article 6’s Christian test ban whereby mandatory biblical qualifications were likewise eliminated? Once adopted, it was inevitable that America would be ruled by nothing but nincompoops, scoundrels, incompetents, immoral reprobates, and outright criminals. Sound familiar?

Take nincompoops, for example. Exodus 18:21’s qualifications begin with the fear of Yahweh. Kings David and Solomon point out the fear of Yahweh is the beginning of wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. Thus, without the fear of Yahweh, you end up with, at best, nincompoops as your alleged leaders.

The best you can ever get from the Constitutional Republic’s unbiblical election system is the lessers of two evils. Sometimes, the worst of the worst. And always, the evil of two lessers.

For more regarding Article 6’s Christian test ban, see Chapter 9 “Article 6: The Supreme Law of the Land” of free online book “Bible Law vs. the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective” at

Find out how much you *really* know about the Constitution as compared to the Bible. Take our 10-question Constitution Survey in the right-hand sidebar and receive a complimentary copy of a book that *examines* the Constitution by the Bible.

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