
Did Someone Make a Fortune on Vegas Terror Attack?

I’ve argued since the first moments of the Vegas mass murder event that the killer had help…that someone funded, coordinated and planned the attack…and that it had all the hallmarks of an ISIS attack. That doesn’t mean it was. It just means it looks and smelled like one to me.

Soon after ISIS took credit not once, not twice, but three times. ISIS claimed the killer Stephen Paddock converted to Islam…and they even gave him an Islamic name.

The plot thickens. The killer visited the Middle East. His girlfriend visited the Middle East. He wired $100,000 to his girlfriend in the Philippines only days before the massacre. He had many major financial transactions that are now under investigation for “covert terrorism financing.” Finally, a former Trump campaign aide reports that there is a video made by the shooter pledging allegiance to ISIS. True? Hopefully, we’ll all find out soon enough.

All circumstantial. All rumors. Just hints that the Vegas mass murder might be tied to a terrorist group like ISIS, or some other shadowy group (Antifa?).

Christ Troupis Book

But here is the most compelling piece of information yet. It appears someone or some group made a fortune betting in advance on the Vegas mass murder.

Kip Herriage is the economic guru and financial advisor on my national radio and TV shows. Kip is the most impressive and credible financial expert I’ve ever met. He has beaten Wall Street 13 out of the past 14 years at VRA Kip is a numbers guru. He studies numbers all day long on his bank of computer monitors. And he always finds clues buried deep inside those numbers.

This time Kip may have unraveled the biggest clue to the Vegas mass murder. Kip has done extensive research on the stock markets in the days leading up to the Vegas mass murder. What he found is shocking.

First, Kip found five publicly traded companies that would likely be the most affected by the events of 10/1/17. In other words, if you knew about the attack and wanted to profit from it, these are the exact companies you would target (stock and options).

Here are the 5 and what we know so far:

1) MGM (Mandalay Bay owner): Beginning with more than $200 million in insider selling from MGM Officers and Directors in September, MGM’s share price began to drop the week of 9/11/17. (*NOTE: Remember this date…its important and you will see it many times). MGM would drop 11% in total as put options rose some 30% in price.

2) AOBC (formerly Smith and Wesson…now American Outdoor Brands), one of the biggest firearms manufacturers in America, began to rise on 9/11/17, with large increases in volume in both stock and options. AOBC shares would spike as much as 23% from its 9/11/17 lows to just after the attack.

3) RGR (Sturm Ruger), another of America’s largest firearms manufacturers, also began to rise on 9/11/17, also with large increases in volume on both stock and options. RGR shares would jump as much as 21% from its 9/11/17 lows to just after the attack.

4) OSIS (OSI Systems), the global leader in baggage, shipping and people detection systems (airports and now MUCH more, like hotels/casinos), also began to rise on 9/11/17, also with large increases in volume on both stock and options. The shares of OSIS would rise as much as 16% from its 9/11/17 lows to just after the attack.

5) OLN (Olin Corp) makes Winchester ammunition. Beginning on 9/11/17 their shares began to rise on a large increase in volume and a HUGE increase in call option purchases (so far I’ve found more than 6000 “calls” were purchased in OIH the week prior to the attack, with someone making a ton of money). The shares of OLN would soar as much as 23% from their 9/11/17 lows to just after the attack.

Here’s what we know from Kip Herriage’s numbers:

First, we now some group with large financial resources may have timed the market perfectly. Highly unusual (but not impossible).

Second, we know someone made a fortune in a very short period on guns, ammo, and detection devices- the exact products that would benefit from the fear after a terror attack.

Third, to capitalize those persons or groups would need to know the exact date of the attack.

Fourth, why on earth did MGM’s CEO Jim Murren happen to sell most of his MGM stock in September? Strange timing. It paints the picture of a CEO with a complete lack of faith in his own company. And a CEO distracted and uninterested, perhaps making plans to leave? Why else would a CEO sell off a large majority of the shares he owns in his own company? Was Murren focused on MGM security as a major terror attack was being planned at his property? Or was he too busy selling off his shares, at the right price, into the open market, without Wall Street noticing?

Interestingly, all MGM’s top executives and key Board members also sold huge amounts of stock in September.

Finally, why did all the buying start on 9/11? Coincidence? Is that even remotely possible? Or is this ISIS sending a message to America? My common sense gut instinct tells me the message is a big middle finger to our country, to Wall Street, and most importantly to government, law enforcement, and the mainstream media- who are all in denial about ISIS’s involvement.

It took my great friend and financial guru Kip Herriage to sound the alarm bells. These are too many coincidences. Guns, ammo and security detection stocks up, MGM down, and all starting on 9/11.

I think these are flashing neon lights, as bright as the signs on Las Vegas Blvd, blinking out Morse code spelling: TERRORISM.

Stephen Paddock didn’t act alone. And the group backing him made a fortune betting on the timing of this attack.

What do you think?

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