
Scott Drexler and Eric Parker to Face Third Federal Trial

News on the third trial for Scott Drexler and Eric Parker meets us with sad realization of our government’s heavy hand and hollow heart. Scott and Eric will be tried a third time with the Bundy’s tier-one trial scheduled for October 16th in Las Vegas. Many Idaho legislators signed the attached letter with the hope these men could avoid a third trial.

I thought it best you be informed of the many long hours two legislators have worked to exact an end to this enduring travesty of justice. I have attached a letter written by Rep. Dorothy Moon and proofed with additional comments by Rep. Judy Boyle.

The letter was signed by thirty-four Idaho legislators and five retired legislators. I am pleased to see about 1/3 of Idaho’s legislators sign the letter. Not all legislators were contacted because of the time constraints to get the letter out after notice of a pre-trial hearing on August 31st. Please let your legislators know of your sincere appreciation for their courage and resolve to stand with these Idaho men who have been held without bail and some in prison since January 2016.

Pray for the swiftest of justice in these pending trials and that these men who stood against the forces that would have all people who work and earn a living on federally managed lands be free of bureaucratic entanglement.

(Click images to enlarge)

I am also including a link to a recent article from the Las Vegas Review Journal regarding this story.

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