
Register now for the NW Liberty Academy 2016 Liberty Symposium!

…teaching the moral and ethical principles of a Free Society and Free Enterprise

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Register now for the NW Liberty Academy 2016 Liberty Symposium!

Lawrence Reed, President of the Foundation of Economic Education (FEE) will be our keynote speaker. Founded in 1946 by Leonard Read, author of I, Pencil, FEE is the oldest free-market organization in the United States and the leader in education, publishing, and the production of ideas related to the economic, ethical and legal principles of a free society. We are very pleased to have Larry join us this year.

Jason Riddle, the Director of Programs and Alumni Relations for FEE, will also be joining us again. Those who attended the 2015 Liberty Symposium will remember Jason leading us in games that showed us how Free Markets actually work. He returned to Boise in November with his friend, Jeff Proctor for a seminar on “A Crash Course on Economics and Entrepreneurism.” Jason will, no doubt have more fun activities up his sleeve that you won’t want to miss!

Business leaders, entrepreneurs and public officials will join in two panel discussions; one on “The Unintended Consequences of Well-intended Legislation”; the other on “Understanding Natural Rights and Self-Governance”. A class on effective use of “Social Media”, and a session entitled “Propaganda; Learn to Discern” will also be offered along with some new interactive games that we will be introducing.

Connor Boyack and Steve Ackerman will also be returning. Both of these speakers received high marks on the way they made subjects come alive and easy to understand.

Sign up early and receive a free copy of Connor Boyack’s new book, “The Tuttle Twins and the Creature from Jekyll Island”.

This year’s participants will each receive Lawrence Reed’s new book, “Excuse Me, Professor” in their Liberty Pack.

Don’t forget about our Refer a Friend Program. Students who refer a person that registers and attends for the first time, will receive $50.00 off of their own tuition, for each such referral.

Visit to learn more about:

  • 2016 Essay Contest
  • Scholarship Programs
  • New IDAHO Children’s Business Fair
  • and more!!

NW Liberty Academy is sponsored by the White Pine Foundation, a non-profit, non-partisan Idaho Corporation dedicated to educating people about Free Market principles.

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