Opinions / Op-eds

Reasons to Terminate the Refugee Resettlement Program at the College of Southern Idaho

The tax funded refugee resettlement program is not an enumerated or implied power of the federal government and should not be funded in any way.

The tax funded refugee resettlement program is not an enumerated or implied power of the Congress of the United States. The Congress of the United States has the exclusive right to establish a uniform Rule of Naturalization. This Ordinance we propose in Twin Falls County does not attempt to affect the Congress of the United States’ exclusive right to establish a uniform Rule of Naturalization.

The involvement of the College of Southern Idaho (Jr College Tax District) in the refugee resettlement field began in 1978 under Marvin Glasscock, Director of Continuing Education at the College; and was known as the Indo-China Refugee Resettlement Program. The program started with a federal grant to teach English, home economics and related skills under Lise Swedberg, primarily to Laotian families in Buhl and Twin Falls.

The Program was, and has been, under the fiscal management of the College of Southern Idaho from inception. The name of the Program changed several times during the years, being called at various times: The Indo-China Refugee Resettlement Program, The Czechoslovakian Resettlement Fund and the CSI Refugee Resettlement Program until the most recent name, College of Southern Idaho Refugee Programs, was adopted in 2004.

The federal Refugee Resettlement program is operated today by the Global Left, the United Nations, radical Islam, and religious frauds. The goal is to change the demographic composition of the population thereby changing America. As a result, we are drowning in refugees who are destroying our Constitutional freedoms, overburdening our welfare system and posing a genuine national security threat.

The U.S. Department of State approves the number of refugees coming to Twin Falls County and it has been reported that up to 300 refugees are coming to Twin Falls County from Syria’s “failed state,” which is known to have ISIS terrorists. ISIS terrorists have indicated they will use the refugee program to bring in their Jihadists. ISIS is recruiting on the Internet and we see that happening in Idaho and around the country. There are 15 more Islamic Jihad terrorist groups also recruiting in America.

The FBI’s deputy assistant director of counter-terrorism, testified before a House Homeland Security committee in February 2015 and said it was virtually impossible to screen refugees from Syria’s “failed state,” where the U.S. does not have boots on the ground and does not have access to reliable police or intelligence records.

From a financial standpoint, every dollar in profit that a refugee center earns for trafficking refugees represents many dollars in external costs that is foisted upon Twin Falls County citizens, especially increased education and welfare costs.

The Twin Falls schools have more than 100 refugee students and about 20 languages are spoken at a great cost of ESL Staff.

From a financial standpoint, every dollar that refugee center receives for trafficking refugees represents a dollar that is ultimately added to the Federal debt, violating the belief of many citizens regarding government debt spending.

We believe Twin Falls County faces epidemic welfare fraud, petty crime, polygamy, gang, drug and assimilation problems among local refugees. The local refugee center is failing to properly insure all of its clients are attaining family self-sufficiency and adjustment to life in America. Currently there are over 100 destitute refugees that desperately need help. Local churches have been over loaded with requests for help.

The people of Twin Falls County, Idaho are working to enact an ordinance using the initiative process for the May 2016 ballot.

The FBI says that vetting of Syrian Muslim refugees is impossible as few or no records are on file. The majority of Syrian police stations have been destroyed. 65,000 mostly Muslim refugees will be brought in to over 190 cities including Boise and Twin Falls.

Islam is a political theology and not just a religion. Islam is a total system of life and contains within itself a particular social system, judicial system, and political system which includes geo-political aspirations – the conquest and administration of territory.

The College of Southern Idaho (CSI) has been in the process of implementing this program without the express authorization of the Idaho Legislature or the Idaho Code.

CSI used both local and taxes from the State legislature to fund a $650,000.00 Refugee Center Complex off campus without the express authorization of the legislature or the Idaho Code. It also pays itself (CSI) $3,000.00 in rent using funds from a Federal Grant.

CSI used both local and taxes from the State legislature to fund off campus homes and apartments it uses to house refugees in without the express authorization of the legislature or the Idaho Code. CSI then turns around and gives the Refugees Federal Grant money to pay the monthly rent back to CSI.

CSI is bringing in several women with each single refugee man. One of the females is a wife and the others are concubines. Under Idaho law this would be considered human trafficking.

Local magistrate courts are bogged down from epidemic petty crime, and assimilation problems among local refugees.

CSI has denied Public Information requests for FY 2015 & 2016 Federal Refugee Contracts and IRS Form 990 Refugee Center Tax report form for FY2014. Refugee Centers must complete an IRS Form 990 every year. CSI claimed they are “Trade Secrets” and cannot be released to the public.

The CSI Refugee Center is failing to properly insure all of its clients are attaining family self-sufficiency and adjustment to life in America. Currently there are over 100 destitute refugees that desperately need help. Anyone that wants to take in a refugee and help them learn the American way please give us a call at 208-329-6973. We can put you in contact with local churches that have been over loaded with requests for help.

The Committee to End the CSI Refuge Center is a non-profit educational organization. We are a 527 PAC in the eyes of the IRS. The Committee seeks to bring into its membership only men and women of good character, humane conscience, and religious ideals. We strive to set an example — in words and deeds — by dedication, integrity, and purpose, which future generations may follow without hesitation.

The object of the Committee shall be to End the CSI Refugee Center by creating an informed electorate through programs of education and action.

There are things that our society cannot tolerate and expect to survive. Justice must take its rightful place above tolerance.

Rick Martin, Chairman
Committee To End The CSI Refugee Center

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