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Gem State Patriot Newsletter – Volume 42

Welcome to the latest edition of our web-based Gem State Patriot newsletter. This interactive newsletter allows comments and discussion and can be easily shared via social media. Please enjoy the following articles included in this edition of the Gem State Patriot.

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  1. Bad Bet on Gov. Otter’s Instant Racing Veto by Bob “Nugie” Neugebauer
    The ban on the gaming machines means that Les Bois Park can no longer use the terminals. There are 250 of these gambling machines installed at three Idaho locations which will have to be removed.
  2. Boise State University, Free Speech, and Religion by Chris Pentico
    Boise State University has a long history of problems with free speech, especially when religious-based content is involved.
  3. Guns at Work by Alex Kincaid
    Every day, millions of Americans are disarmed as they go to work.
  4. Christ Troupis Book
  5. Top Idaho Legislator Rep. Heather Scott to Speak at Hayden Area Tea Party on Wed. Sept. 16th by Rich Loudenback
    Co-Leaders Pam Stout and Jim Polzin of the newly organized Hayden area Tea Party are pleased to announce that State Representative Heather Scott will be speaking to the group’s meeting on Wed. Sept. 16th at 6:30 PM at the Hayden Library.
  6. Democrats Should Be Ashamed and Eject their Leader by Rich Loudenback
    President George W. Bush wasn’t perfect but your dog could be a better president than Obama.
  7. Common Sense on Education (Why Teachers Hiss at Me) by Rich Loudenback
    Nothing is more important than the future of our children and the continuation of our free society in which they can flourish.
  8. Owyhee County Board of Commissioners Guest Opinion
    The BLM management of fine fuel load to prevent catastrophic widespread wildfires in southern Idaho is not working. Change is needed in how federal land managers use the management tools they already have available to reduce fine fuel loads.
  9. Lies Monsanto Told You by Steven Neill
    The NY Times shows it is part of the consortium to discredit those wanting to label GMO’s.
  10. Patriots vs. Politicians 2015 by Tom DeWeese
    Patriots still exist among us and they are still fighting the same tyranny as our Founders, and for the same reasons.
  11. Obama’s Prophecies of Climate Doom in Alaska Fall Flat by Alex Newman
    The doom-and-gloom and threats of climate apocalypse without repentance (and taxes) to absolve humanity’s carbon sins will keep getting louder and shriller – at least until the UN climate summit in Paris wraps up late this year.
  12. Report: Obama’s “Green” Agenda Threatens National Security by Alex Newman
    The so-called green agenda being relentlessly pursued by the Obama administration and its cronies represents a threat to U.S. military capabilities…
  13. Obama, UN Pushing Radical LGBT/Abortion Agenda for Sustainable Development Summit by William F. Jasper
    The United Nations Sustainable Development Summit, to be held September 25-27, at the UN headquarters in New York City, is set to become one of the global body’s biggest confabs ever.
  14. What’s Happening to Our Police? by William F. Jasper & Alex Newman
    This subversive transformation of America’s way of policing has been under way for a long time.
  15. Local vs. National: Why You Should Care by John Birch Society Staff
    There are certain times of the year when the Constitution should put on pads and a football jersey in order to be noticed.

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Gem State Patriot News