
Our Political Twist on ‘Twas The Night Before Christmas

‘Twas the nightmare before Christmas when all through the house

Not a creature was stirring only Nancy the mouse

The Rats were all sitting straight up in their chairs

Hoping impeachment soon would be theirs

Christ Troupis Book

Republicans sleeping all snug in their beds

The Democrats busy banging their heads

With Melania in her kerchief and Trump in his hat

They had both settled down for a 2-week nap

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter

It was Schiff and Nadler who fell off a ladder

Away to the window, Trump flew like a flash

He yelled “Secret Service” please take out the trash

With the moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow

It gave Trump a great view of the commotion below

With what to Trumps wondering eyes did appear

It was Mitch McConnell and eight tiny rein-deer

With a pound of his gavel so lively and quick

He declared Trump not guilty said these charges don’t stick

More rapid than eagles his supporters they came

They shouted, Mr. President, we’re winning the game

We all know our president cares about us

So let’s send all the Dem’s back home in a bus

Now Nadler, Pelosi, and Schiff they all stink

Because they took America right to the brink

It’s time for our nation to heal and be strong

After all, we’re Americans and know right from wrong

Trump is our Pres and he’s draining the swamp

Let’s get rid of the Dem’s with a romp and a stomp

Merry Christmas to all of our wonderful readers from the Staff of the Gem State Patriot!

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