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Gem State Patriot Newsletter – Volume 31

Welcome to the new, web-based Gem State Patriot newsletter. Instead of a single PDF file, this newsletter is interactive, allows comments and discussion, and can be easily shared via social media. Please enjoy the following articles included in this edition of the Gem State Patriot.

  1. Stop Forcing Government Education Programs on Idaho by Bob Neugebauer
    As you know I’ve been personally involved in this battle on fixing our education system and getting rid of Common Core for the past 2 years, so I do appreciate that you are spending time with parents who care enough about their children to homeschool them. Outside of a private school this is the only alternative to public education that can be offered to our children.
  2. Medicaid Expansion or Corporate Theft? You Decide by Bob Neugebauer
    We are spending almost a trillion dollars a year on medical care paid for or subsidized by the federal government. How long does anyone think this can continue on? The federal government is broke and sitting with 18 trillion dollars of debt that our children and grandchildren are going to be saddled with in the future.
  3. Have You Joined the Circus? by Darr Moon
    I don’t believe global warming is real science and I don’t believe we should live our lives hiding under the bed in fear of everything from terrorists to measles.
  4. Christ Troupis Book
  5. Global-warming Skeptics Know More Climate Science, Study Shows by Alex Newman
    A new study by Yale University Professor Dan Kahan confirmed that skeptics of the controversial anthropogenic global-warming theory — or realists, as they often call themselves — know more about climate science than AGW theorists.
  6. Qualifications for the Job of President by Evalyn Bennett
    With his declaration of candidacy for President, Senator Ted Cruz has unfortunately launched the Republican Party into the same realm of lawlessness traversed by the Democratic Party when its delegates nominated Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012. Neither man is eligible to be President based upon the qualifications listed in the U.S. Constitution.
  7. What You Don’t Know About Idaho’s Attorney General by Chris Stevens
    When you realize what Lawrence Wasden is part of, you will have a better understanding of why he comes down on the wrong side of the issues as frequently as he can politically get away with.
  8. Liberty Amendment Distortions by The John Birch Society
    “Desperate times call for desperate measures” must be the mantra of some of those organizations working to get a constitutional convention. Their desperate measures include whipping their supporters into a frenzy to malign JBS as their main enemy, responsible for all evils that have befallen this great Republic. Their wild claims include blaming JBS for abortion, the massive U.S. debt, and partnering with George Soros!
  9. Open Letter to Our Honorable U.S. Representatives Labrador and Simpson and U.S. Senators Crapo and Risch by Rich Loudenback
    Idaho should be proud of having the best voting record in the U.S. Congress for the 113th Session. You four representatives of Idaho’s citizens have done a stellar job for the most part in voting with the Constitution as reported in The Freedom Index at for the 2 years just completed by the 113th Congress. Rep. Labrador @ 92%, Sen. Risch @ 87%, Sen. Crapo @ 85% and Rep. Simpson @ 52%.
  10. America Must ‘Patriot Up’ by Rich Loudenback
    The roots of America’s greatness are deeply steeped in the wisdom of our Constitution. Our many successes come from the attraction to and application of that very rule of law protecting the freedoms for personal ambition and the unrestrained competitive prowess for our commerce.
  11. Israel, Iran and the United States Constitutional Crisis by Tom Brennan
    Israel’s recent elections, the ongoing negotiations with Iran to allegedly control that Islamic nation’s access to nuclear weapons and the ongoing dissolution of Constitutional government in the United States are all segments of the same situation. Israel’s voter turnout is in the range of over 80% and it not mandatory as was recently suggested by the President.
  12. Letter to the Legislature on the Grocery Tax by Steve Ackerman
    The bottom line is this: People change behavior when you change tax rates (and other costs). Whether it is a cut in tax rates or lower prices, people maximize their spending. It is why stores keep customers when they lower prices, why people work more when you give them more per hour (or a bonus) and why people spend more when you leave more money in their pocket.

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  • “Helping Hand Fund 5K Run / Walk” (May 2) Click here to learn more.
  • “Northwest Liberty Academy” (June 17-20) Click here to learn more.
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