Opinions / Op-eds

Attorney General Labrador Files Brief to Protect Students’ Free Speech Rights

[BOISE] – Idaho Attorney General Raúl Labrador filed a friend-of-the-court brief today with the U.S. Supreme Court, along with 17 other states, to protect students’ First Amendment free speech rights in the case of L.M. v. Town of Middleborough. A middle school student in Massachusetts wore a t-shirt to school that had the message, “There […]

John Livingston

Just the Truth

Growing up I looked forward to receiving two magazines in the mail every month. Sports Illustrated (SI)—especially in January with the Swim Suit Issue, and Scientific American. I stopped subscribing to (SI) in 1992 because of the incredible slanted articles they wrote regarding issues that today would be considered “social justice” centric. The same thing […]

John Livingston

We Need an Idaho Donald Trump

Today has been a great day. First Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy are given portfolio and title to lead the new Department of Government Efficiency. CNN certainly has a different take on what is about to happen than the new directors themselves: Classical business governance dogma—I must admit that it has over the […]


Gem State Patriot Podcast: IFF President Ron Nate and Tea Party Bob

We would like to thank Ron Nate for taking the time to give us his take on Idaho, its legislature, and the challenges ahead. Topics: The Idaho Freedom Index giving us an inside look at who are the rinos and squishy republicans in our house and senate and how they are graded on their legislative […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Trump’s Election is a Mandate for Change

A Mandate for Change: Trump winning this election will change the course of America back to its original premise of Freedom, Justice, and Prosperity for all. We have seen the enemy and it was us. Fortunately, Americans saw how they were being manipulated for the past 4 years under Biden/Harris and said very loud and […]

Opinions / Op-eds

MAGA Mania

Traditional Main Stream Media has committed suicide, but the corpse will be with us for a while. We have elected the modern-day equivalent of Hitler, a fascist dictator who will end democracy, force women to have babies, has unlimited powers granted by the Supreme Court, will jail his political opponents, has called white supremacists “fine […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Labrador Letter: Protecting the Freedoms of our Citizens

Dear Friends, It’s been a busy week for us! Obviously, there were tremendous political victories at the state and federal levels that dramatically affect the people of Idaho. But our office also delivered legal victories in federal court on two important issues regarding illegal immigration and a federal minimum wage for contractors. Both resulted from […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Labrador Letter: Removing Non-citizens from Voter Rolls

Dear Friends, Last week, I joined 26 other states in filing a brief with the U.S. Supreme Court, urging it to allow Virginia to continue removing non-citizens from its voter rolls. The Biden-Harris Department of Justice sued Virginia to halt this process, insisting that non-citizens remain on the rolls through the upcoming presidential election. Unfortunately, […]

John Livingston

We had a Great Awakening

For the past four years several times a day I have prayed that we have another GREAT AWAKENING IN OUR COUNTRY. WE have had several such religious revivals. Faith, has always informed our political philosophy and politics in our country, starting with the words of our GREAT DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE.—’WE are endowed by our Creator […]

John Livingston

Never in Idaho!

Lynn and I are Westerners. Lynn was born in Caldwell, spent most of her childhood years in Havre Montana, and raised her family in Eagle Idaho. I was born in Minot North Dakota, followed our military family in several States and then I was raised through high school in Ohio. For the last 36 years […]

John Livingston

Alibis Destroy Character

Any follower or disciple of the great philosopher and Apologetic L. Marvin Moorehead, who practiced his craft like a mid-20th century Socrates in classrooms and on football fields in Central Ohio, has forever “imprinted on their brains” the words “ALIBIS DESTROY CHARACTER”. 2000 years earlier the greatest of all teachers and The Son of God […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Will this be the last Election in America?

I certainly hope and pray that this will not be the last election, but as we all know, the Lord works in mysterious ways. I must admit that our country is at a crossroads and it is certainly a time for prayer. Being a member of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, I recently received a letter […]

Gem State Patriot News