Bob's Words of Wisdom

Who is Brad Little? (Part I)

Brad Little recently filed to run for Governor of Idaho, in 2018. In a recent interview with Little Nathan Brown @ wrote an article titled “Little talks Trump, governing philosophy”. After reading the article which was evidently a self-serving piece to promote his bid for Governor, we didn’t find much of anything that would […]


Kevin Miller Podcast 07/30/16

Kevin Miller’s Saturday Podcast from July 30, 2016 featuring “Tea Party Bob.” This content originally aired on 580 KIDO. Kevin Miller is the host of KIDO’s “Kevin Miller in the Morning” show every weekday from 5 – 9am. Miller’s show originates from the 580 KIDO studios as he wakes up the Treasure Valley with his […]

Newsletter Index

Gem State Patriot Newsletter – Volume 63

Welcome to Volume 63 of the Gem State Patriot newsletter published by Gem State Patriot News. Please enjoy the following articles.


When Is, Isn’t

Timothy Noah in his article “Bill Clinton and the Meaning of ‘Is’,” at states: “Years from now, when we look back on Bill Clinton’s presidency, its defining moment may well be Clinton’s rationalization to the grand jury about why he wasn’t lying when he said to his top aides that with respect to Monica […]


What should we do about the Medicaid Gap?

Should we cobble together some new state program to close the “Medicaid Gap?” Should we take money from the taxpayers of Idaho to pay for the health care of the people of that population? I have a wild, radical idea. How about if instead of another government program, we promote a vibrant free market for […]


Cleveland: Classic Example of Open Carry Effectiveness

Is there a better example of how open carry law serves as a detriment to would be shooters than the recent success of the GOP Convention in Cleveland, Ohio? I’d say not. Present were a lot of radicals up to causing trouble for the proceedings including an in your face ‘armed to the teeth’ vigilant […]


Obama and Allies Seek to Nationalize Local Police

— Reprinted with Permission of The New — On December 18, 2014, President Obama signed an executive order creating the President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing. In May 2015, the task force came out with its Final Report, which is commonly given the title “21st Century Policing.” One of the report’s recommendations, which […]


Health Freedom Idaho to hold ‘We Want the Truth’ Rally in Boise

We Want the Truth Rally WHERE: Steps of the Idaho State Capitol WHEN: Wednesday, August 3rd from 11 am – 12 pm The powers that be were able to get the eye-opening film “Vaxxed: From Cover-up to Catastrophe” shut down right here in Boise, ID. JOIN US AS WE STAND AGAINST CENSORSHIP & FRAUD! We demand Congress […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Payoffs for Paychecks? With Your Taxes? More Big Government?

We would like to revisit a subject that we think is important to the taxpayers of Idaho. The Department of Commerce Tax Reimbursement Incentive program became effective on July 1, 2014. The State offered a tax credit of up to 30% on income, payroll and sales taxes for up to 15 years. The requirements are: […]


We Got Your Back — This Battle is Ours to Fight for Our Police

In the book A Racial Program for the 20th Century written in 1912 by Israel Cohen, a founding member of the socialist Fabian Society, it reveals the Communist “Grand Strategy” to subvert and destroy America using the race weapon. Supporters of the Black Lives Matter premise are what Lenin called “useful idiots.” They have been […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Cruzin’ at the Convention – It’s all about Winning in November

Tea Party Bob’s Comments on the Thursday morning Kevin Miller Show 580KIDO I have enormous respect for Senator Cruz, and it is unfortunate that he did not endorse Donald Trump after making a pledge to do so before the primary. As you know, I had thought all along that Cruz would have made a great […]


Tools for Conservative Leaders

Just because we understand the concepts of conservativeness, freedom and liberty and we see areas where our government is abusing its citizens and exceeding its constitutional authority, may not mean we know squat about what to do next. When I formed NWPOA (North West Property Owners Alliance) I had little more than an idea and […]

Gem State Patriot News