
America 2021

Trump is off and running now, and I’m here to confirm, There’ll be a lot of changes by the end of his first term. Let’s put the turbulence on hold and have a little fun . . . Here’s my look at where we’ll be in 2021. Trump’s been re-elected with another strong campaign, Defeating […]


The Face of Socialism

If you don’t think something like true socialism can visit this nation, you’re not paying attention. Venezuela is NOT the only country with out-of-control socialism, but it seems to be the poster child for it. See: Democrats Love Socialism Socialism and Communism are societal failures when applied to more than a couple hundred people. The […]


AHCA Failure: One Too Many ‘Lying’ Ryans & Way Too Many ‘Establishment’ RINOs

If pictures are worth a thousand words, this one truly is. Our well-intentioned new President has a lot to discover about trustworthiness in Washington DC. He must learn that many poker face leaders, advisors, and appointees whom he wants to believe in as swearing to their allegiance and patriotism are actually either naive, deluded or […]


2017 NWPOA DINNER: ‘We Can Stop a Lot by Being Big and Strong’

North West Property Owners Association (NWPOA) attorney, Norm Semanko, opened their annual dinner in Coeur d’Alene on March 11th with an impressive report on his progress in winning legal battles on the behalf of the association. THE REPORT FROM A HIRED PROFESSIONAL Attorney Semanko reported there were 364 claims to the lake, tributaries, ground water and […]


Winning the Battle Over Federal Power

The federal government’s march to control more and more of everything we do, every minute of the day is relentless. Their thirst for power and control is insatiable. They’ll never have enough power, they’ll never have enough control until they have it ALL and you are totally dependent on them. How did it get this way? […]


Democrats are the Birthers Now

This would be really funny if it wasn’t so ridiculous and hypocritical. For eight long years, Democrats called anyone on the right who questioned Obama’s birth or background a terrible name, “Birther.” I’ve never been a “birther” in my life. Not for even one minute. During Obama’s eight years in office, I made over 10,000 media […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Senate Moves to Restrict Idahoans’ Constitutional Choice of Medical Care

The Senate State Affairs committee today voted to restrict your choice in medical care by approving SB 1182 regarding amending section 16-1627, of Idaho code, to revise a provision regarding treatment by prayer through spiritual means. Here is a link to read the bill. The five senators who voted to bring this bill to the […]


Key Policies Every Elected Official and Citizen Within Indian Reservations Should Know

Tribal Sovereignty: There are three sovereignties identified in order, in the U.S. Constitution: 1) Popular (citizen) sovereignty; 2) State sovereignty; 3) Federal sovereignty. Tribal sovereignty is not contained within the U.S. Constitution and is not superior to the sovereignties contained in the U.S. Constitution. Tribal (jurisdictional/governing) sovereignty is a delegation of federal sovereignty through the […]


Obamacare Lessons from Las Vegas

I have an important message for President Trump and the GOP Congress. Study the lesson of the Nevada GOP. When people think of Nevada, they think of Las Vegas aka “Sin City.” They think of neon, glitzy casinos, gambling, strip clubs, Elvis and Liberace. What they don’t think of is politics…or more specifically, Obamacare. Yet […]


Rep. Dorothy Moon: House Bill 190 Critique

Dear Patriots, A critique of House Bill 190 by Rep. Dorothy Moon. Please take a moment to read and then contact your legislators with your concerns. More taxpayer money for post-high school education, this time for those who dropped out of college previously. Maybe college should be for the best and brightest. It is difficult […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

Rep. Priscilla Giddings: Despotism in Idaho?

As a new legislator, I anticipated the onslaught of new information during my first term. I was definitely NOT expecting the lack of professionalism or to be patronized, bullied, strong-armed, verbally threatened or called a “liar” and “crazy.” Apparently, the viciousness of the national political scene has worked its way into Idaho, and so too […]


Rand Paul’s Patriots vs. RyanCare’s (ObamaCare Lite), ‘Repeal and Replace’

Senators Rand Paul (R-KY), Mike Lee (R-UT), Ted Cruz (R-TX), Mark Meadows (R-NC) and Tom Cotton (R-AR) and the House Freedom Caucus oppose replacing ObamaCare with another version involving too much government control and a new version of subsidies called tax credits, while Senators Lamar Alexander (R-TN) and  Jeff Flake (R-AZ) have warned Republicans against moving too quickly […]

Gem State Patriot News