John Livingston

Neopatrimonialism Versus Liberty

Patrimonialism is a form of governance in which all power flows from the ruler or the top of an organization to the bottom. The sovereign-ruler-ruling class controls individual liberty. The line between public and private domains is blurred and the oligarchic and autocratic power brokers exclude “WE THE PEOPLE”—all classes of people, from power. We see examples of this type of top-down oligarchy in government, business and in many of our ecclesiastical institutions. If the Catholic Church is really, We The People, who are The Church Fathers really serving?

Neopatrimonialism is a system of governance where patrons use state resources to secure the loyalty of clients and citizens. There is an implied informal patron client relationship that transcends all levels of governments—especially in Idaho State and local governments. Neopatrimonialism may underlie and undermine bureaucratic structures in government giving only those with connections to elected officials and government bureaucrats’ access to real power. In every case these systems undermine the people’s confidence in government, confidence in the rule of law, and the process is always corrupting whether the practice is legal or not.

When the Federal government controls 55% of the State of Idaho’s $4.9 billion budget, the State of Idaho becomes supplicant—petitioner, with power flowing from the top down. The citizens of Idaho have even less of a say over what happens at the State House than originally was intended. Lobbyists and corporate special interests have more power than ever—and it is increasing yearly.

In Idaho, the political leverage that the ruling—elite—legacy ruling class has over all levels of local and State government has become stifling. Those organizations and individuals that enjoy the political leverage afforded to them by such access to process are loathe to relinquish the special privilege that such power affords to them.

At the level of State government think about how corporate lobbyists like (IACI), (IMA/IHA) and the (IEA) insert themselves into elections—primaries, general elections and initiatives and referendums.

How does an individual citizen—constituents and voters they, that may on average contribute $50-$100 compete against out of State and in State bundlers of millions of dollars in cash and influence? How do patients and health care providers assert their influence in the political process when Al’s/Luke’s and the IMA/IHA assert their financial influence before legislative committees and when votes come before the legislature?

Local governments—Idaho Cities and Counties are even more exposed to corruptible outside influences by out of State corporate organizations. In Garden City we recently underwent an “upzoning” of a residential neighborhood using a new Special Area Permit (SAP) that many feel is not compatible with the State Special Use Permit (SUP) Statute. Developers, financiers and agents acting on their behalf’s have laid the groundwork over several years with campaign contributions to City Fathers, sponsoring campaign events at a Country Club, and even providing legal services by the attorney representing the developer to help write the City (SAP) Code! Republicanism has been replaced by Patrimonialism in Garden City and in many Idaho cities and counties. I am just as concerned about the influence that big money, big business, and out of State developers have had on recent elections in Boise, Meridian and Eagle.

We are watching the “Neo paternalists”-I prefer that term to “RINO”, reacting like a wild animal backed into a corner. Conservatives are losing their positions on committees, clandestine meetings with bundlers in Twin Falls County that ask for invited conservatives to leave the room, and “the good old boys and their crony corporatist money changers” are inserting themselves with a concerted effort to defeat conservatives in primary Republican elections.

I would like to propose a solution to many of the powers that influencers have gained over the political process in Idaho. Why not place a limit on campaign contributions of any kind to $100 per citizen or corporate entity. Contributions to any election can only come from those living or doing business within the district where the election is being held.

WE THE PEOPLE need to regain the control over the political process. A control that our Founding Fathers intended us to have. There is no room in a Democratic Republic for any form of Neopatrimonialism.

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