Bob's Words of Wisdom

Mission Impossible? Not in the Treasure Valley!

Our special thanks to The Boise Rescue Mission, Rev. Bill Roscoe, and Kevin Miller!

Do you want to know why the Treasure Valley doesn’t look like San Francisco or Portland with homeless filling the tent cities on the streets? I’m not sure how many of our readers are involved in supporting the Boise Rescue Mission but I must say that there is not a better way to make sure that the Treasure Valley doesn’t turn into a Portland, Seattle, San Francisco, or L.A. where homelessness abounds, and no one seems to care.

Why is it that so many of our highly populated cities are just teaming with homeless people living on sidewalks in cardboard boxes, defecating on the streets, and shooting up drugs in front of the local supermarket? There is no simple answer to this huge problem that is overtaking many of our once-great cities, but we can tell you that the government is not going to solve this problem by allowing this to continue and even encouraging it by ignoring it.

Why hasn’t the Treasure Valley started to look like some of these liberal cities with high crime rates, rampant homelessness, and publicly open drug abuse? I will let you in on a little secret, it is not because of our politicians. It is because of the generosity of the people who live in the Valley that support institutions like the Boise Rescue Mission. This is the one place where anyone who wants to be helped will find care and comfort and a way back to normalcy. This mission is one of the shining lights in the most populated area of the state and I fear that without it we would be looking just like some of the liberal cities we all talk about. The Rescue Mission has been around for quite some time and still does not rely on any money from government sources to run its operation. All their funding comes from the generosity of the people in the Treasure Valley and with their support this mission has thrived and grown into one of the most important charities in our state.

I was introduced to Reverend Bill Roscoe, the CEO of the Boise Rescue Mission, eleven years ago through the auspices of Kevin Miller who is one of the Mission’s biggest supporters. Rev. Bill is a man who gives his total attention to the operation and expansion of the Rescue Mission, and it is because of him that it is as successful as it is today. It takes a unique personality with a whole lot of faith to run an organization like the mission and I have learned that Bill has God on his team and makes sure that all those seeking help will find it at the Mission. The mission not only houses many homeless but helps those who are struggling with alcohol and drug abuse to find a path back to a normal life through rehabilitation and the help of God. I can’t say enough good things about Bill and the mission he runs because I don’t believe there is anything like it in any place I have ever lived or visited.

I would be totally remiss if I did not give a lot of credit for the success of the mission to my good friend Kevin Miller host of the Kevin Miller Show on 580KIDOam radio who takes 2 weeks out of his life each year and lives at the Gerrity Walmart raising money for the mission. He works with Reverend Bill each spring and in November putting on his Turkey costume and raises thousands of dollars and thousands of turkeys for those who are in need. Kevin gives selflessly to many causes in Treasure Valley, and you will not find anyone who is more generous with his time to support worthy causes. The Treasure Valley is extremely fortunate to have both Bill Roscoe and Kevin Miller working to make a better world for those who have fallen to the wayside.

We at the Gem State Patriot would like to ask all of its readers to please help support the Boise Rescue Mission and give whatever you can to help this very worthy cause. You can visit the website for more information and an easy way to donate.

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