
Mark Zuckerberg Spent Millions During the 2020 Election, Now He’s Getting Special Tax Breaks in Idaho

Mark Zuckerberg spent hundreds of millions of dollars during the 2020 election giving grants to County Clerks for PPE, education, and other unassuming items in every State of the Union. Over $500,000 came to Idaho, most to Ada County. Twenty Counties in total took the “free” money at that time of “need” during the COVID crisis.

We know too that in 2020, HB 521, a Bill that opened the door for capital investment in Idaho for a Data Centers, passed the House and Senate. This carveout was for companies that could “invest” at least $250 million for capital investment. Not too many $250 million dollar investors out there with plans for Data Centers except for Facebook, now Meta. Mark Zuckerberg strikes again with a sweet deal in Idaho. From the text of HB-521: “On and after July 1, 2020, there is exempted from the taxes imposed by this chapter the purchase or use of eligible server equipment and new data center facilities”.

Sweet deal if you’re one of the richest men on earth. And, who picks up the tab for increased costs for supporting infrastructure for the tax base created by the incentives in the HB-521 “let’s make a deal” Bill?… Idaho taxpayers of course. This is with the stipulation that only 30 new employee positions are created… Do you know anybody in small business to get such a sweetheart deal?

I have much more to say about this and will be reporting about the “under the rug” sweepings that must bear the scrutiny of light.

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Rep. Dorothy Moon, candidate for Idaho Secretary of State
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2 replies on “Mark Zuckerberg Spent Millions During the 2020 Election, Now He’s Getting Special Tax Breaks in Idaho”

Dorothy Moon: “Mark Zuckerberg spent hundreds of millions of dollars during the 2020 election….”

This could never occur under a biblical government and it’s One-God/One-Vote election system, per Deuteronomy 17:15, etc.. No amount of money can influence Yahweh’s choice of civil leaders.

One of the dumbest things the constitutional framers did was to usurp Yahweh’s exclusive election authority (per Deuteronomy 17:15, etc.), thereby turning election “discretion” over to We the People the majority of whom, according to Christ in Matthew 7:13, are in the broad way leading to *destruction.*

What could go wrong? No wonder America finds herself precipitously teetering on the precipice of moral depravity and *destruction.*

Add to that Article 6’s Christian test ban by which mandatory biblical qualifications (such as, Exodus 18:21) were eliminated and you have the perfect recipe disaster, which is exactly where America finds herself today, precipitously teetering on the precipice of moral depravity and *destruction.”

For more, see blog article “Constitutional Elections: Dining at the ‘Devil’s Table,’” at

For how the Bible’s election system operates, see blog article “Salvation by Election” at Don’t be fooled by the title.

For more regarding Article 6’s Christian test ban, see Chapter 9 “Article 6: The Supreme Law of the Land” of free online book “Bible Law vs. the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective” at

Please don’t let these crazy liberals like Zuckerberg get away with anything for any price.
This guy never even got a slap on his soft little hands for what he did.
I live in Western Wa I am watching and praying for beautiful Idaho.
Don’t turn into us (Wa)
I have Zero representation and bad policies!
VOTE Bundy!
No lockdowns!
No dems voting as a republican scam
No amount of money dangling from the left doesn’t cost you something and is not worth loosing your freedom over.
God Bless Idaho

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