Bob's Words of Wisdom

Let’s Fight to Make America Great Again

No one has greater love than this: to lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13 CSB

We live in a world where we are excited by trivia and bored by grandeur where it is more important for us to spend time looking at our Facebook page than attending church with our children. We all seem to forget that it is God who creates the storm and then calms the storm. That same God who reigns in awesome glory is the God who gives us peace. Too many Americans have taken God out of their lives and it didn’t just happen overnight. Our country is the same as the day it was formed but the people who inhabit it have changed.

The great experiment has always had at its core the nuclear family who worked together, ate meals together, and prayed together. There was a certain pride in being an American citizen where opportunities to grow and be successful were part of our heritage. It was a place where we had pride in our achievements and were willing to lay our lives on the line to protect the rights that were bestowed on us by our creator.

So how did so many lose their way and set us on the road to perdition? From 1775 to today, Americans have fought in 10 significant wars, yet if we look at the number who have died in these wars, we find that the one that was deadliest was the Civil War.

Christ Troupis Book

In this war, 620,000 lost their lives whereas the nine other wars combined were the cause of 685,000 American deaths. When you look at these statistics, it appears that we have been our own worst enemy. With our country so divided one has to ask themselves, are we headed for another civil war? It is a question that many are pondering as we head into the 2024 elections, which I personally believe will determine if we still have a Republic when it is over.

In our Pledge of Allegiance we say that we are “one nation under God” but does this still hold true? In my opinion, the elitists and academics have been reshaping our nation for the past 60 years through our public education system along with our colleges and universities. They have been indoctrinating the last two generations of our children into believing that America is bad and socialism is good.

Just look at what has been happening on our most prestigious college campuses in the past two months. Students are supporting Hamas who were responsible for the death of over 1,200 Israelites on October 7th. These protests are being instigated by organized groups of professionals bought and paid for by NGOs who are supported by donations by the likes of George Soros, Rockefeller, and Pritzker. All the time these protests are going on the liberal media does little to report what is actually happening as we no longer have a free press but a corporate press that tells us what they want us to know.

I have said many times that we are a nation under siege from within as Joe Biden and company have allowed a literal invasion of our country by millions of illegal aliens. We have hundreds of thousands of military-age men illegally in our country who if organized could be a definite threat and danger to our infrastructure. Our intelligence agencies are on the highest alert for terrorists who would like to do us harm yet the Biden administration continues to leave our borders wide open. We are on the cusp of one of the most dangerous periods of time in our history. It is not just our country that should be worried but the rest of the world as tensions rise the world seems to be spinning out of control and many think we are on the brink of a third world war.

Americans need to do a lot more praying and a lot less sniping and fighting with each other if we expect to survive. There are forces in our country at work that would like to rewrite our constitution and even those who would like to form a one-world government. Men have proven time and again that they are not capable of governing for any length of time without seeking ultimate power and ultimate power always corrupts absolutely. This has been proven consistently over the centuries of human history. Some of the greatest empires have been crushed because men thought themselves to be Gods but every one of them has been toppled. Man is his own worst enemy and forgets that there is a God who is the final decision maker.

I still believe that today’s problems exist because we have lost our way and given up on the values that have sustained us for the past 248 years as a nation. We need to regain those values and bring them back into our everyday lives. We need to learn that we have been made the pawns in a chess game controlled by those we have elected to govern us and we are the only ones who can rectify this situation. Americans have been propagandized by the liberal media for way too long. They have pitted us against one another on a parallel never even thought of by someone like Adolph Hitler. In the infamous quote by Master Commandant Oliver Perry during the War of 1812, the United States Navy defeated the British Navy in the Battle of Lake Erie. “We have met the enemy and they are ours.” This perfectly summarizes mankind’s tendency to create its own problems and finding that we are our own worst enemy.

As we celebrate this Memorial Day to honor those who have fallen in the service of our country, let us remember the infamous words of Abraham Lincoln, “America will not be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedom it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”

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