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Leadership For Truth

Where Are the Voices of Truth and Liberty?

A couple of items popped up on my computer this last week that made me wonder where we are as a Christian community and commitment. First I saw a local church in our community making a bold statement to their flock that said this: “…..Church will not endorse any political organization, action, demonstration, legislation, ballot measure, or candidate and we shall lovingly but firmly protect the freedom, safety, and a feeling of welcome for those within our fold to maintain and express their own individual political opinions from across the spectrum, regardless of whether they are shared by a majority of, a minority of, or any of the the others in our fold.” An interesting statement to the congregation and I left out the name of the church for their protection but maybe we should do a survey of all churches and see where they stand.

The other item that I read that same morning was this: “The pro-abortion movement is funded by liberal billionaires and Hollywood elite who threw millions at these ballot amendments. They spent $60 million to legalize abortions up to birth in Michigan and overturn every pro-life law. You couldn’t watch television in Michigan without seeing an ad talking about how Proposition 3 would promote “women’s health care.” They dwarfed our spending in California and outspent us by big margins in Montana and Vermont and told more and more lies. In total, abortion advocates spent well over $400 million on the elections buying ballot votes, buying House and Senate races, buying the whole election. But they’re not done. They’re already putting together more ballot amendments to legalize abortions up to birth in more states. They’re fundraising to stop or overturn abortion bans elsewhere. They’re planning more pro-abortion laws to kill more babies in abortions.” That was an email from LifeNews, quite a contrast. How do we reconcile these two views? Montana passed a bill that said it was ok to kill any baby that survived an abortion. Where were the pastors and churches in Montana? Did they have a non-endorsement pledge also? Some states said you could kill the baby after it was born, where were the churches?

Romans 13 is often quoted by those who believe we should be subject to all civil authorities no matter what the issue. Obviously, that is a matter for further study. We need to remember that Paul was beheaded for going against the civil authority in Rome. Our biblical precedent has strong foundations in the Revolutionary War against Great Britain. The colonists read 1 Peter 2:13, “Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every authority . . .,” and saw the phrase “for the Lord’s sake” as a condition for obedience. The reasoning ran thus: if the authority was unrighteous and passed unrighteous laws, then following them could not be a righteous thing. In other words, one cannot obey a wicked law “for the Lord’s sake.” The colonists saw Hebrews 11 as justification for resisting tyrants. Gideon, Barak, Samson, and Jephthah are all listed as “heroes of faith,” and they were all involved in overthrowing oppressive governments.

Christ Troupis Book

The “Great Awakening” prior to the Revolution united the colonies and pastors to an understanding of liberties that came from our creator and the instructions to Timothy from the apostle Paul supported this;. “Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fable.” 2 Timothy 4:2-5

We need pastors and priests who will be unafraid to confront the society and be like the “Black Robe Regiment” of the American Revolution. The name came not from the colonists but from the British. They knew that the strength of conviction came from the preaching and involvement of these men. The rallying cry of the revolution became “No King But King Jesus”. One of the best histories of these pastors is Bringing Back The Black Robe Regiment by Dan Fisher. This is a book every patriot should have on their book shelf and read. Another interesting fact is that there were at least six synagogues in the colonies and some of the key supporters were from these places of worship. Freedom to believe was the standard.

Here are some interesting facts about the revolution: The country was not united behind the revolution. In a country of about 3 million, about 1 million supported the war, 1 million were Tories and loyal to the King and about 1 million were neutral. The war was long, over six years of fighting and certainly not always successful. Fighting against the most powerful country in the world required endurance and a reliance on a sovereign God. 240 battles were fought but in which Washington led only 17 and we won only six of those under Washington. Of course, we won the final battle!

The signers of the Declaration of Independence put their names under the last line which read “And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.” Many of them paid that price.

Today we are a divided country, we have lost a lot of battles and more importantly we have lost the principles and values we started with. But it is not too late! Encourage and support your pastor to speak up about marriage between one man and one woman. Trans-gender is evil and a lie from the pit of hell. Pornography promoting the LGBTQ agenda and drag queen performances must be stopped now. Pastors need to step up to the plate as one voice, these are movements to destroy our families, our culture and our nation.

Or is it too late already? Revival or bust.

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2 replies on “Leadership For Truth”

Thank you. A poignant article. Eric Metaxas has a book, Letter To The American Church, contrasting the subject you point out concerning our church’s silence and comparing them to the churches in Germany leading up to and including the rise of the socialist NAZI regime.

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