Bob's Words of Wisdom

Just say “NO” to Rank Choice Voting, November 5th

We are seeing a revival in the conservative republican party in Idaho with the advent of the recent GOP convention and the election of Dorothy Moon who has been the driving force in ridding the party of the establishment RINOs. The true conservatives showed solidarity at this last convention and easily won all the positions necessary to scare the daylights out of the likes of Tom Luna and company. While there is still a long row to hoe, it appears that we could actually be making that right turn to purge our legislature of republicans who vote like democrats that have been bought and paid for by the corporate elitists of IACI. While it will take time to extricate them all from their positions, I do believe that we have begun the process now that Moon has gained a second term as chairman of the GOP.

Luna’s establishment RINOs are making a last-ditch effort along with liberal outside dark money to change Idaho’s primary voting system to Rank Choice Voting instead of our current closed primaries. We need to understand that the establishment is going to fight tooth and nail to hold on to their current power that has been sucking Idaho’s taxpayers dry for the past 20 years.

I have often talked about how our court justices have been appointed by the establishment and how they lean to the left and now we are seeing them wield their power again. The Idaho Supreme Court recently ruled unanimously that Labrador’s titles for this ballot question on Rank Choice Voting were likely to cause prejudice against the measure and required him to change the language. Attorney General Labrador tweeted this reply and I quote “Funny that those pushing ranked choice voting consider themselves the Empire. But then again, I always thought of myself as a member of the Rebel Alliance. Let’s defeat these bad ideas coming from liberal outside groups.”

The simple fact that Labrador is against this movement for Rank Choice Voting should tell you how dangerous it is for Idaho’s future. It is even more evident that this is a really bad idea when someone like Bruce Newcomb a former house speaker and dyed-in-the-wool establishment crony is pushing for this change.

Christ Troupis Book

Those pushing for this change in primary voting are scared to death that they will lose their power. Idahoans are waking up and realizing that the same establishment republicans who got together and supported Democrat attorney Arkoosh to challenge Labrador for Attorney General are the ones behind this movement for ‘Rank Choice Voting’. They lost their power at the republican convention when Dorothy Moon garnered 60% of the vote and this is their end run to change our voting system so they can continue to tax and spend like a bunch of Biden democrats.

Keep in mind, these are the same people who brought you Medicaid expansion, forced Common Core into our public-school curriculum, killed repeal of the grocery tax, and are taking 40% of our State budget from the Feds. These fat cat republicans have become the enemy of the people and it’s high time we kicked some establishment butt and took back control of our state government. I believe that Idahoans will see the light and will make the right decision and say no to Rank Choice Voting on November 5th.

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