Bob's Words of Wisdom

It’s the Economy, Stupid

The question for every American is “Are you better off today than you were four years ago”? As Joe Biden and his leftist lackeys drone on and lie about how good the economy is Americans are not feeling the love and many are sinking deeper into debt by the month. The middle class is suffering dearly from Biden’s economic policies and as we look forward there is not much hope or change being offered by this Obama-cloned administration. We have done some homework on the economic numbers and discovered many of the lies being told by Biden and his budget breakers.

Let’s start the discussion with the price of energy and how it affects just about everything we do, wear, or eat. It was under President Trump that America became the largest oil producer in the world even bigger than Saudi Arabia. Now mainstream media will say Biden exceeded Trump’s 13 million barrels per/day, however; it was only exceeded by .2 million in October of 2023. Truth be known had Trump not embarked on his quest to “drill baby drill” and make America the largest oil producer in the world, we would be in a lot more trouble than we currently are economically.

Energy makes the world go round and is used to make everything from fertilizer to clothing and just about anything plastic or metal. You raise the price of fossil fuel and you raise the price of just about anything you can think of. So, it is not just the cost of transportation that goes up but the cost to produce thousands of other products we use every day. If you raise the price of energy by 20%, the cost of transportation will rise by 20% along with almost everything we buy every day. If anyone believes for a second that fossil fuels are going away any time soon you had better think again because it is not going to happen. Without fossil fuel, our country would come to a standstill as it would take huge advancements in technology and decades to replace them with renewable energy.

While energy has been the primary driver of inflation there are other reasons inflation has been climbing on Biden’s watch. This administration has been lying through its teeth about how bad inflation is. I believe that all but the elite have already had their eyes opened when they look at their credit card bills which nationally have climbed to well over one trillion dollars. Let me make a point about how interest rates have played an important role in higher inflation. Larry Summers former economic advisor to Obama did a study and came up with some facts showing that high interest rates have added substantially to inflation. Pre-1983 the system of measuring inflation took into account personal interest rates and housing financing costs but have since been eliminated. If these were factored into the CPI it would show that inflation in 2022 had already reached 18%. It is also noteworthy that personal interest payments, which are not incorporated into the government’s CPI system, increased by more than 50% in 2023.

Christ Troupis Book

While inflation has certainly reared its ugly head and cut into middle-class budgets the slew of regulations coming out of the Biden administration have also been adding not only to the cost of living but also to the cost of doing business. When Trump was in office his administration was instrumental in eliminating any number of onerous government regulations but not so with Biden as he continues to regulate America to death. Here are some of the regulations implemented by Biden since he took office.

A year into his term, President Biden made it a priority to reverse all of Trumps regulation changes a major policy priority. In a January 20 executive order President Biden directed agency heads to review all rules promulgated by Trump administration officials and listed 104 rules that agencies should specifically target for removal. We are now being regulated into oblivion and each time a new rule is implemented there is a cost to every American. Here is a link to show the cost of the regulations Biden has implemented since January 2021.

Those Americans in the lowest income brackets are most affected by inflation and as long as the government keeps on spending like a bunch of drunken sailors on extended shore leave, inflation will continue to rise destroying “Middle Class America”. We are creating $1 trillion of new national debt every 100 days. We should also recognize that this “Climate Change Hoax” being pushed by Biden is the cause of many of our economic problems. For anyone with a brain, there is no proof of climate change that will end the world or significantly change our lives. It is nothing more than an elitist conspiracy to make you think that it exists so they can control us from cradle to grave. It is, however, destroying our economy with nascent edicts being issued almost every week to push for the elimination of gas stoves and furnaces, fossil fuel vehicles, and eventually fossil fuels of any kind.

While Biden has curtailed any real exploration for oil or gas, he has not lost his appetite for illegal aliens. Biden has opened our borders to the point that we have been inundated with 7 to 10 million illegal aliens intermingled with thousands of potential criminals and terrorists since he took office. The open borders are intentional to raise the number of people in big blue states and cities which will change the population and therefore change the number of representatives allocated to a state. This is all a scheme to alter the voting patterns and give the democrats more representatives so they can keep control of our government. Middle-class Americans are being hurt the most by these open borders. Illegal immigration costs each American taxpayer $957 per year and each illegal alien or U.S.-born child of illegal aliens costs the U.S. $8,776 annually.

Do the Math. Illegals are taking over our larger sanctuary cities and we are paying for their shelter, food, and education giving them cell phones and monthly cash or credit card stipends while hard-working Americans go further into debt. It was recently discovered that the Biden Administration has flown at taxpayer expense over 300,000 illegals to 43 of our cities and they refuse to tell us which cities they were dropped in. Every state has become a border state. A November 2023 House report had estimated the open border could cost taxpayers $451 billion not including the jobs that these illegals will take from low-wage-earning Americans.

Biden and his gang of former Obama creatures have created the perfect storm in an attempt to keep control of our government and our lives. I’m hoping that by now most Americans understand that our country is about to go off the cliff and into the great abyss of socialism. We have all seen what happens to our freedoms when government is weaponized through our justice department and law enforcement agencies and so far, Trump has taken the brunt of this weaponization. But as he famously says in his speeches, “They’re coming for you. I’m just standing in their way.”

You only have to see what they have done to persecute those who attended the Jan. 6th rally to realize this is a rogue that will stop at nothing to retain power. Under Biden, if you disagree with his policies or support Trump you are an enemy of the state. I only hope and pray that Americans figure out by November 5th that if Biden is elected for another 4 years, it will be the end of this great experiment our forefathers created.

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6 replies on “It’s the Economy, Stupid”

Can you say Not My Government? Try it. Say This Cannot Be My Government! This cannot be government at all because they are criminals! Criminals cannot represent government! They are waging war against us! That is treason! They are my enemy waging war against me by deception!
Now do you understand?

While I certainly get it most people don’t and there in lies the problem which is why I keep putting it in front of their faces and on the air.

Very well said. Lord willing, people will wake up and stop the destruction of our Nation before it is too late.


Today’s economy and its ever-escalating debt and inflation are just more consequences of the 1787 cadre of Enlightenment and Masonic theistic rationalists (aka constitutional framers) replacing the Bible’s moral law (including its economic and taxing statutes) with their own capricious man-made traditions (aka the biblically seditious Constitution).

Consequently, the economy and everything else gone wrong in America will never be remedied until Christians and patriots become courageous enough to address the Constitution for the filthy rag it is and that’s responsible for sending America to the precipice.

“[B]ecause they have … trespassed against my law … they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind….” (Hosea 8:1, 7)

Today’s America is reaping the inevitable ever-intensifying whirlwind resulting from the wind sown by the constitutional framers and fanned by today’s hoodwinked Christians and patriots who have been bamboozled into believing today’s whirlwind can be dissipated by appealing to the wind responsible for spawning the whirlwind.

For more, see Chapter 3 “The Preamble: We the People vs. Yahweh” of free online book “Bible Law vs, the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective” at
Find out how much you really know about the Constitution as compared to the Bible. Take our 10-question Constitution Survey in the sidebar and receive a free copy of the 85-page “Primer” of “BL vs. USC.”

Thank You for publishing this information.

I would very much appreciate having the article sent to me.

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