Bob's Words of Wisdom

It’s A Republic If You Can Keep It

Happy Fourth of July to all of our Readers!

After this week’s presidential debate, Americans have to ask the question, “Who is running our country because we all know after this debate it is not Joe Biden?” Personally, I believe that it is Obama and his band of “Totalitarian Socialists” who have been making the decisions that have been destroying our country.

We should all remember the infamous words of President Barrack Obama when on October 30th, 2008, he said, “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” Those words should have sent a chill up every American’s spine. In my opinion, Obama was and still is a radical revolutionary. His objective was to bring Totalitarianism to America with the help of the liberal media’s propaganda machine. So, I ask you to think about the definition of Totalitarianism – Of, relating to, being, or imposing a form of government in which the political authority exercises absolute and centralized control over all aspects of life, the individual is subordinated to the state, and opposing political and cultural expression is suppressed. Is this not where Joe Biden has been leading our country? Ladies and Gentlemen, we have stood by and watched this transformation for 3 ½ years in virtual silence.

Obama was unable to make the fundamental shifts regarding attitudes concerning the role of government, taxation, regulations, economics, education, or even health care. His success with Obamacare created a huge change by socializing our healthcare system. He also made a detrimental impact on our foreign policy in both the Middle East and Eastern Europe. His greatest impact on America’s culture, by far, was in matters of sexual orientation, marriage, and family. Today we can see this cultural shift in sexual orientation, gender, and family all around us along with fears of intimidation and demonization of anyone who disagrees with the left’s new concepts of marriage and family. Traditional concepts are now considered abnormal and we are now the outliers as the liberal media beats the crap out of anyone who disagrees with these new concepts. To be sure the meaning of Obama’s slogan “Hope and Change” was the hope that he could change America and bring about a Totalitarian government.

Well, a funny thing happened on the way to his “Hope & Change” party with the 2016 election that was totally unexpected and took the progressives by complete surprise. The American people came out in droves to elect Donald J Trump the 45th President of the United States. Trump’s election brought Hillary and many other liberals to tears and threw a large monkey wrench into their hope to complete Obama’s master plan. Trump turned the tables on these elitists and brought us the greatest economy we had seen in decades. Had it not been for Donald Trump, we would already be staring socialism in the face under Hillary. This is why the entire bureaucratic establishment tried to take President Trump down at any cost. He was the fly in the ointment that they did not expect. From the Russia-Russia-Russia investigation to the double impeachment trials, they threw everything at him but the kitchen sink. If it had not been for the Covid “Plannedemic,” Trump would have been hailed a hero for the job he did turning our economy around after 8 years of Obama tearing it down.

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Since the recent dissemination of information exposing our federal agencies (CIA, FBI, and DOJ) it is pretty clear that there was election interference in 2020. The left had to get Biden in office or Obama’s master plan would be dead so they did whatever was necessary to make sure Joey Boy’s new home would be the White House. Joe worked tirelessly to undo all the good Trump had achieved. On Joe’s first day in office, he issued more than a dozen executive orders overturning Trump’s policies to erase his legacy from federal law and advance his own agenda.

Ballotpedia says as of June 26, 2024, President Joe Biden had signed 139 executive orders, 188 presidential memoranda, 628 proclamations, and 129 notices.

In any case, I firmly believe, as do many others, that these orders by Biden were key to getting Obama’s agenda back on track as quickly as possible. America is now seeing just how important the 2020 election was. Joe Biden is well on his way to turning America into a third-world country as millions of illegal aliens are ushered into our country while the liberal media and corporate elitists cheering Joe on. Remember the ultimate Obama goal was to bring a Totalitarian government to our country. What better way than to have 10-20 million potential new voters from third-world countries?

Fortunately for us, Biden and company hit a couple of speed bumps with Trump’s entry into the 2024 race as Joe and his handlers went on the attack with “LAWFARE” to slow down Trump’s rapid advance in popularity. Once again, our own nefarious federal agencies came to the rescue and placed several roadblocks in Trump’s way with indictments for alleged crimes that in some cases were years past the deadline for filing charges. The American public saw these indictments for what they were — Election Interference — and Trump’s popularity continues to climb. The real killer for Joe is his deteriorating cognitive abilities, which after last week’s debate, were brought front and center and the Obama operatives are now trying to figure out how they might be able to get him to drop out of the race.

There are only 129 days left until the most important election in our nation’s history, and American voters had better get it right this time. If we have four more years of another Obama acolyte, his dream will become a reality with the fundamental transformation of a culture and a nation that did not exist prior to Obama’s ascent. If you need further evidence, remember the Newsweek cover from May 2012 showing Barack Obama with a rainbow halo over his head above the words “First Gay President”. If that is not enough, it was June 2015 when the White House was lit up with the LGBTQ colors. That very day the Obergefell v. Hodges decision was issued by Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, a Catholic who redefined marriage and imposed a nonexistent constitutional “right” on all 50 states.

We assure you this was part and parcel of Obam’s “Fundamental Transformation” plan for America. It was also Obama’s fiat that ordered all public-school restrooms and locker rooms be made available to teenage boys who wanted to be called girls. Joe Biden and his band of Obama transformation specialists only have 5 months to complete the task put to them by Barack. Unfortunately for them, it looks like the “Hope and Change” band may be broken up if Trump wins the upcoming election, which is looking increasingly likely. In a recent poll, 72% of respondents said Biden is cognitively unfit mentally to hold office.

America is at a turning point, and I hope and pray Donald Trump is elected because any other scenario would mean the end of our country as we know it. Washington D.C. needs a good cleansing of the bureaucrats who have been running it for way too long. Trump was unprepared in his first term to deal with these federal mobsters and crooked politicians, but if elected this time, he will surely clean house and get rid of those who have been destroying our country for decades. It will be up to you to get out and vote this November 5th to make sure that we actually keep our republic intact because the alternative is unthinkable.

“We Get the Government We Deserve.”

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