
The Most Important Election of Your Lifetime

When conservative talk radio host, Glenn Beck, announced he would not be voting for Trump, and suggested that, if Hillary wins, we can oppose her agenda in Congress, live to fight another day and work to elect a conservative in 2020, the right reacted in shock and horror, angrily contending, “the nation cannot survive Hillary!” “It will be too late to save America in 2020!” “All will be lost!” Then repeating the mantra used in every Presidential election year: This is the most important election of our lifetime!

I became politically active back in the mid-1990s and from that time until now have heard this same battle cry repeated by the right every four years, declaring this to be, “the most important election of our lifetime,” then assuring me that if the Democrat wins this time, the country is doomed and America will be lost. Perhaps this time conservatives will turn out to be right, but, excuse me, while I ignore the inane droning of a slogan that is beginning to make the boy who cried wolf sound credible.

Will a Clinton Presidency spell America’s doom? Perhaps. But then I’m not altogether certain the Constitutional rule of law would survive a Trump Presidency either.

Will the federal government go the wrong direction under a Clinton Presidency? I expect so. But from a Biblical, Constitutional, liberty, rule of law and sound fiscal policy perspective, the country has gone the wrong direction under every President, Democrat and Republican alike, for at least the last 28 years since Reagan, and, even then, fiscal policy didn’t fare so well.

Christ Troupis Book

For as long as fear has been driving the conservative right to compromise and lower their standards in order to “beat the Democrat,” America has moved progressively farther and farther from her Biblical and Constitutional moorings, regardless of which party is at the helm. America might not survive Hillary Clinton, but liberty and the sound principles of good government, upon which our constitutional republic was founded, already are not surviving the compromises of the Christian-conservative-right.

The election at which we stop compromising Biblical values and the Constitutional rule of law, will be the election at which America’s restoration can begin. It happens one vote at a time, one election at a time, and it starts with you, and needs to begin now.

Welcome to the most important election of your lifetime.

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