
Avista/Hydro One Presses On – Next Stop, North American Union

Avista and Hydro One have not relented as yet. Avista and Hydro One filed documents with the Washington State PUTC on Monday, Dec. 10, for reconsideration of the denial of the merger. The fight goes on.


The above link is to a US government website. It states that our government is using private companies as the spearhead to integrate all energy production, and distribution throughout the US, Canada & Mexico.

This is the formation of the North American Union.

Christ Troupis Book

The merger of Avista Corp with Canada’s Hydro One LLC was the first step in achieving that goal. Avista generates electric and gas, and distributes to Washington, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Alaska, the whole Pacific Northwest. As of late, with the fires in California, the California governor and some legislators and bureaucrats have floated the idea of breaking up the largest electric and gas generation and distribution company in California, Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E). The parts would be sold to the highest bidder. Who could be a buyer?

If a merged Avista/ HydroOne purchased those assets they would have a geographical monopoly of electric and gas from Canada to Mexico, in furtherance of the goals stated in the above document.

We can now see why the federal agencies involved in the approval of the Avista/HydroOne merger were so quick with their approvals. That included FERC, FCC and CIFIUS, the last which approved the sale of 20% of the US supply of Uranium to Russia in the Uranium One sale spearheaded by Hillary Clinton. The names sound familiar, HydroOne & Uranium One?

No coincidence, they were both the brainchild of the same person, Maurice Strong, the father of the UN global warming scam.

So now one can see that we are in a battle to stop our energy resources, water, and sovereignty from being taken from us.

Our water rights are also connected in this battle by the renegotiation of the US-Canada Columbia River Treaty which has just started. This treaty controls the flows of water from Canada and the US. Is this a coincidence also, since the Avista merger would give Canada ownership of 13 dams in the US? Canada would have considerably more power in these negotiations if they owned those dams.

We must stop the sale of Avista to HydroOne. Our lives depend on it. Washington State PUC has denied the sale and that would in and of itself kill the deal as all five states must approve. HydroOne has last week, after Washington’s decision, filed a brief with the Idaho PUC which stated their reasons for approval as has the Idaho PUC staff. We can see that HydroOne will use what remedies they have left to overturn the Washington PUC denial. Our hope is that the strong case the Avista Customer Group and our attorney, Norm Semanko, presented will sway the Idaho PUC commissioners to also deny the sale’s approval. We also have judicial remedies available in our Idaho case if we have an adverse decision.

One can see that the initial formation of the Avista Customer Group and the raising of public awareness forced the Idaho PUC to grant us intervenor status and allowed an evidentiary hearing. These actions bled over to Washington as they did not realize that the public sentiment was against the merger/sale. It is now left to the Washington judicial appeal process and the Idaho PUC.

We need your help to pay our legal bill of $20,000.

Please donate through our website, through our GoFundMe page at, or by mail at the following address:

Avista Customer Group
PO Box 2325
Sandpoint, Idaho 83864

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