John Livingston


I am really tired of politicians putting their fingers up to the wind and trying to figure out what their constituents want and what to promise to be re-elected. How about just telling the people what you believe and if you win fine and if the people want someone else with different ideas, then fine. What the people of Idaho really want to know is what are the principles of the people who are representing them and how those principles will define their votes and actions.

So, I have thought of a mythical test that we could give all politicians in Idaho especially those running for statewide office—Senate, US House, Governor and Lt, Governor, Attorney General and other statewide offices. This mythical test could also be applied to State Representatives and Senators. Think in general terms how a RINO would answer the question, think how a principled conservative would answer the question, and think how their answers might change as an election draws near. Then think specifically how you believe a Brad Little or a Mike Simpson or a Mike Crapo might answer the question. What about Ammon Bundy or Ed Humphreys? What about Priscilla Giddings?

Here is the mythical problem that should be presented before every politician running for office:

You have just been capsized in a boat many miles from land on rough and stormy seas at night. You have managed to climb on board a life raft that can only handle two people—including you. In the water asking for help are three people. One is a constituent that you represent, who has a job—he and his wife own their own business, pay taxes, homeschool their children and pay for their own health insurance The second is a lobbyist who contributes thousands of dollars to your campaign, who represents an industry that you are charged with regulating, and who receives for his industry billions of dollars of transfer payments distributed by state government. The third works for the State and his wife is a teacher.

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Who do you choose Mr. Politician to save? Do you realize that it is the constituent who pays taxes that pays for the salaries of state workers and teachers—including you? If they are allowed to die who will pay for schools and government? What about the advisor who sits on the Governor’s panel not because of his expertise but because he too is a lobbyist who can influence his industry to contribute to your campaign war chest? Or is it to the husband wife State worker/teacher family—remember if it were not for the first person, they would not be employed in either case.

We can get some insight into how our “brave politician” might act by reviewing how they have already voted this legislative session. At a time when real-estate values are going up and along with those values taxes on property are making many senior citizens—constituents, sell their homes and property to pay those taxes, and you Mr./MRS legislator are giving state workers and teachers a pay raise. At the same time, you are refusing to address issues of blatant Medicaid fraud—the fourth worse state in the country with fraudulent enrollment and billing running at 39%, before you vote on the State Budget! With inflation at 7%/ year you arrogantly refuse to repeal the 7% tax on groceries.

Who would Governor Little save?

Who would Janice, Ammon or Ed save?

Who would Priscilla or Scott save?

Who would Raul Labrador or the other guy who has been in office forever running against him and whose name I cannot remember save?

Who would either of the Mike’s (Crapo and his Marionette puppet Simpson) save?

In general, who would a RINO save and who would a Conservative save?

If it, was you in the water, who do you think would save you? The people courting favor with the State employees, teachers, large hospital systems and insurance carriers and their lobbyists, or conservatives who have kept their promises and represented WE THE PEOPLE?

Who, by the way, do you think has been paying for your” lifeboat” all these years?


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3 replies on “Help”

HOLLOW UNFULFILLED CAMPAIGN PROMISES is all you should expect from biblically unqualified candidates.

But then under the Constitutional Republic’s unbiblical election process, biblically unqualified candidates is America’s only choice.

Thanks to Article 6’s Christian test ban whereby mandatory biblical qualifications were also eliminated, there has never been a biblically qualified candidate since the inception of the biblically egregious Constitutional Republic.

Had there been such a man elected, he would have immediately become biblically unqualified when, at his inauguration, he laid his hand on a Bible and swore to uphold the biblically seditious Constitution as the law of the land.

For evidence that the Constitution is biblically seditious, see free online book “Bible Law vs. the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective,” in which every Article and Amendment is *examined* by the Bible, at

For more regarding Article 6’s Christian test ban, see Chapter 9 “Article 6: The Supreme Law of the Land.”

Ted—-Who determines who is Biblically qualified? Sounds like a job for God. Way above any man’s pay grade. “Judge not lest they be judged”

Good morning, John!

You’re absolutely right! And He already has, per Exodus 18:21, Deuteronomy 17:15-20, etc.

For more, see blog article “Constitutional Elections: Dining at the ‘Devil’s Table'” at

For more regarding how the Bible’s election system operates, see blog article “Salvation by Election” at Don’t be fooled by the title.

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