
Greg Pruett, President of the Idaho Second Amendment Alliance, is a write-in candidate for District 11 Representative (Seat B)

Friends, family, and fellow constituents in District 11. My name is Greg Pruett. I am running as a write-in for District 11, Seat B.

There are several people running for this seat in the general election and many voters were not pleased with the choices before them. At the request of close friends in the District, I have thrown my name into the ring as an alternative.

People want someone they can vote for who is trustworthy and will uphold the conservative values they hold so dear.

I know many Idahoans are sick and tired of voting for Republicans who claim to be conservative but then vote opposite of what they campaigned on. We have enough of that in D.C. We don’t need it in Idaho.

My Republican opponent, Christy Perry, says that she is for cutting spending. However, in the last 3 years she has voted yes on 350 appropriations (spending) bills and only voted “no” 9 times! Is that what you have in mind when you think of “cutting spending”?

Its issues like that which have forced District 11 voters to look elsewhere for a real conservative.

Please consider voting for Greg Pruett on Nov. 8th for District 11, Seat B. Remember we are a write-in campaign. That means my name won’t be on the ballot. You have to literally write it down. So make sure to write my name down before you go vote!

Thank you!
Greg Pruett

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