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Gem State Patriot Newsletter – Volume 43

Welcome to the latest edition of our web-based Gem State Patriot newsletter. This interactive newsletter allows comments and discussion and can be easily shared via social media. Please enjoy the following articles included in this edition of the Gem State Patriot.

  1. Lawsuit Challenges Common Core in Idaho by Bob “Nugie” Neugebauer
    Christ Troupis, former candidate in 2014 for Attorney General has filed a constitutional lawsuit to remove the SBAC test, a Common Core requirement, from Idaho’s school system.
  2. Design_by_Parrish
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  3. ‘Campus carry’ in Idaho is still mostly illegal by Parrish Miller
    Idaho needs to change the law to allow permitless concealed carry by all adults age 18 and older in all locations—including all parts of college campuses.
  4. Benewah County’s Liberty Potluck by Rich Loudenback
    Liberty minded organizations of Benewah County converged on the small rural mountain town of Fernwood, Idaho on Saturday the 26 of September to share ideas and organize more effective planning for the future of the various movements.
  5. Christ Troupis Book
  6. ‘Trumping’ Trump by Rich Loudenback
    Donald Trump, still carrying his reality TV persona, says much that is right that is not being said by other timid, politically correct politicians and has enjoyed success in the polls because he has dead-on hit some of the correct position buttons on common sense topics citizens who hold traditional American values know in their hearts to be right.
  7. ‘The 9’ in Rubberstampville by Rich Loudenback
    American salesmen can sell anything. Literally! Anything and everything can be justified by well prepared and talented salesmen. Lobbyists are salesmen and legislators have access to checkbooks, never mind that the funds are entrusted to them by you and me.
  8. Overrun by Darr Moon
    Government and its media minions are at it with utmost haste here in Idaho as they make great preparation to welcome hundreds of Syrian refugees to our peaceful communities.
  9. Overrun Part Deux by Darr Moon
    About one third of those in attendance were wild supporters of the refugee program clapping at every opportunity to sustain the notion that the new arrivals to Twin Falls would be a net economic gain as well as being a great humanitarian effort.
  10. Scammed by a Kindergartner? by Steven Neill
    Over the years, the main stream media has spoken out very little on such expulsions as a pop-tart chewed into the shape of a pistol and a finger gun, until now.
  11. What say you, Senate or Emperor? by Douglas Jones
    After having waged war, and survived a final battle in ancient Germania, General Maximus washes the blood from his hands before entering the dining tent. As he makes his way, he encounters some of his fellow soldiers. When he is asked what is in his future, the following conversation ensues.
  12. Constitution Day Celebration 2015 by Robert W. Peck
    The family-oriented event featured refreshments, a social hour, Constitution trivia questions and prizes. There were book and materials tables for those wishing to learn more about our nation’s history, founding principles and current issues.
  13. Boehner’s Out: Not Soon Enough by John Birch Society Staff
    At the end of October, Speaker of the House John Boehner (52 percent Freedom Index score) will resign from his speaker role, as well as from Congress altogether.
  14. Letter to the Editor – Concerns about the UN by Adrian Arp
    Are you aware that the goal of elitists is a one world (United Nations) government?
  15. Scalia: Same-sex Marriage Ruling “Furthest Imaginable Extension” of Court’s Authority by Warren Mass
    Delivering a belated Constitution Day speech at Rhodes College in Memphis on the evening of September 22, United States Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was critical of High Court justices who believe the Constitution is a “living” document.
  16. President Obama’s Plans to Manipulate Your Mind by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.
    President Barack Obama wants to “tweak” your brain so you’ll be healthier and happier.
  17. Reasons to Terminate the Refugee Resettlement Program at the College of Southern Idaho by Rick Martin
    The tax funded refugee resettlement program is not an enumerated or implied power of the federal government and should not be funded in any way.

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Gem State Patriot News