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Gem State Patriot Newsletter – Volume 35

Welcome to the new, web-based Gem State Patriot newsletter. Instead of a single PDF file, this newsletter is interactive, allows comments and discussion, and can be easily shared via social media. Please enjoy the following articles included in this edition of the Gem State Patriot.

  1. Who is Captain Randy Folwell? by Bob Neugebauer
    Will there be a new Sheriff in town? Captain Randy Folwell retired from the Ada County Sheriff’s office in 2011, he is 65 years of age and believes he has a lot more to offer in service to the people of Ada County. He has been married to his wife Leslie for 45 years and has two grown children.
  2. Equal Substantially Similar Protection Under The Law by Brent Regan
    I received a call late last week from Senator Steve Vick asking me if I would be available to substitute for him at the upcoming extraordinary session of the Idaho Legislature. I told him I would be honored to serve and offered my condolences for the situation that would prevent him from attending.
  3. Rinos Run Wild at the State House Rotunda by Bob Neugebauer
    Once again Idaho’s legislators have proven beyond a doubt that Idaho is the bluest of the red states with the largest herd of RINO’s in the country stampeding under our State House Rotunda. With a vote of 49 to 21 in the house and 33 to 2 in the senate on bill HB1 formally SB1067, it should tell the people of Idaho it’s time to elect some new legislators.
  4. Christ Troupis Book
  5. From Madison to Machiavelli by Douglas Jones
    A quote by James Madison may crystalize the reason for that feeling of wellbeing experienced during that time. James Madison said, “To suppose that any form of government will secure liberty or happiness without any virtue in the people, is a chimerical idea.”
  6. We are becoming socialists. Is that ok with you? by Rich Loudenback
    In the ‘perfect world’ expounded on endlessly from utopian progressives who control the media, Hollywood and the sorry socialist education system to which we’ve been subjugated, they are constantly demanding fairness, assistance, social justice and re-distribution. They do not want you to acknowledge the trade-offs for all their purported goodness and freebies.
  7. Obama Leans on Cities, States to Bypass Constitution by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.
    President Obama is surreptitiously using federalism to kill federalism. He will not sit idly by waiting for Congress to act, rather he will actively exert immense influence on state and local governments to carry out his commitment to top-down control of every aspect of human existence.
  8. Trade Promotion Authority Imperils American Independence by Larry Greenley
    President Obama had asked Congress for “fast-track” Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) so that he can finish negotiating and sign two trade “partnership” agreements, one with eleven Pacific Rim nations known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and another with the European Union known as the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).
  9. Why Hillary Will Never Be President: Part Three — A Threat to National Security by Tony Olson
    Hillary Clinton’s transgressions are well documented. The level of lies, fraud, and cover-up is legendary. Yet, the left has continued to absolve Mrs. Clinton, writing off her offenses as the result of common human error.
  10. Northwest Liberty Academy
    Don’t miss out! There’s still time to register! Meet public officials, Meet Erik Finman, a 16 year old entrepreneur, and discover what it takes to start and operate a successful business.
  11. Northwest Liberty Academy Schedule
    The full schedule for the 2015 Northwest Liberty Academy
  12. How a Teenage Entrepreneur Built a Startup on Bitcoin Riches by Kim Lachance Shandrow
    When 15-year-old Erik Finman turned a $1,000 Easter gift from his grandma into $100,000 after cashing in on his Bitcoin investment, he wasn’t all like Cristal, Maybach, diamonds on your timepiece. He was all business.
  13. Imagine by Steven Neill
    Imagine, if you will, a trade agreement that will cost millions of American jobs and affect or eliminate thousands of American businesses while granting foreign corporations outrageous new powers to attack the laws we rely on for a clean environment, safe food and decent jobs.

Upcoming Events:

  • “Northwest Liberty Academy” (June 17-20) Click here to learn more.
Presidents' Day Sale: Up to 40% off

Gem State Patriot News