
Expose’ On Media Lies and Deception — Part 2 of 3

Tangled Webs: Google, Microsoft, Facebook, the Internet Giveaway, and the Wild, Wild West of Information

German Chancellor Merkel, (33) speaking at a press conference with out-going President Obama on 11-17-16, reinforced what ship we will soon see coming to the internet port; censorship. She christened the surge of populist or right wing politics as a “wave that engulfs us that emanates from the United States.” (34)

“Look at the European parliament. There are a lot of people who are looking for simplistic solutions and are preaching simplistic solutions which are very unfriendly policies. We have them here in Europe; too, we have them in Germany too.”

“Digitization is a disruptive technological force that brings about deep-seated change and transformation in society. Look at the history of the printing press, when this was invented what kind of consequences it had, or industrialization, what consequences that had.”

“Very often, it led to enormous transformational processes within individual societies and it took a while until societies learned to find the right kinds of policies to contain this, to manage and steer this. We live in a period of profound transformation.”

Directing her ire against the Germans who are angered with her flooding Germany with Muslim invaders and massive job loss, she lashed out against PEGIDA (Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the West), the anti-mass migration and counter-Islamisation movement, repeating their slogan: ‘Wir Sind Das Volk’ — ‘We Are The People’ — the chancellor said: “The most important and noble task of politicians these days is to see that each and every person can find his place. But those who purportedly belong to certain groups say ‘we are the people, and not others’.”

In another of those frequent ironies so often dumped on the citizens, Merkel, a former (?) East German communist, now says of PEGIDA: “At the time when we had [this saying] in the GDR [East Germany] when the people stood in the streets and said ‘we are the people’ it filled me with great joy, but the fact these people have hijacked it does not fill me with joy.”

How long will it be before other world leaders join Ms. Merkel and president Obama in demanding web censorship? Certainly foreign media is now calling for it as Germany’s ‘Zeit’ newspaper published a piece calling for controls to prevent “a German Donald Trump,” while Britain’s Independent former newspaper website published a list of “fake” news sites which they claimed may have “swayed votes towards Donald Trump.” Even the British news outlet “The Guardian” is in on the fake news bandwagon. That list is the same list being circulated by Google and Facebook.

Consequently, now, the very instrument that has become the great equalizing force against corporatism/globalism’s control over the main stream media might now become just another weapon in their arsenal of global censorship. Unfortunately, it is only one of several ways the internet is being manipulated for corporatist/governmental advantage. One only needs to look at the two most popular search engines and the most popular social media site to see complete censorship in action. (35)

What kind of drug does one have to take to believe Microsoft is a friend? Dr. Roy Schestowitz (36)

Google, Bing and Facebook have an unbroken record of suppressing sites, postings and searches that don’t follow their world view. Of the three, Bing is certainly the smallest but being part of Microsoft, perhaps they try harder. Bing claims to be neutral and in fact, the subscriber can set the search engine to their own preference of conservative; liberal; Christian; etc. so how can they be biased? Well the Bing (37) headline on August 16, 2016 for the conservative bias setting in Bing featured three negative Trump articles:

— Donald Trump plots strategy on ISIS — and campaign revival (CNN)
— Analysis: Making Sense of Donald Trump’s Disjointed Foreign Policy Pitch (NBC News)
— Early Voting Limits Donald Trump’s Time to Turn Campaign Around (New York Times)

The first headline implies Trump’s campaign had stalled and needs revival. The second inferred Trump’s foreign policy was chaotic and the third noted that the early vote will give Hillary such a lead that discouraged Trump supporters won’t vote. Microsoft, (38) donated $650,000 to the Hillary Clinton campaign and both Bill and Melinda Gates (39) were considered as possible Vice Presidential running mates for her Presidential campaign.

This is the Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, whose obsession with globalism (40) and censorship (41) is well known and on Sept. 20, 2016 at a conference in Vancouver, B.C. he openly stated that opposition to globalism is “a huge concern,” (42) and says the underlying issues of resistance to it warrant a close examination. This is the same Bill Gates that along with Steve Ballmer (Microsoft CEO) spoke at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland (43) in early 2015 on the critical need for immigration and more H-1B (44) visas because of a shortage of high tech workers, and then laid off some 18,000 American high tech workers. (45)

In 2010, China demanded that Google and Microsoft censor the results of their search engines in China. Google resisted but Microsoft was more than willing to go along. Bill Gates even criticized Google’s decision to uncensor their search engine in China by saying, “You’ve got to decide: do you want to obey the laws of the countries you’re in or not? If not, you may not end up doing business there.” Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer then said, “If the Chinese government gives us proper legal notice, we’ll take that piece of information out of the Bing search engine.” Chinese President Xi Jinping (46) also stopped in for dinner at Bill Gates house in September of 2015 before meeting with the heads of Microsoft, Google and Facebook amongst other business leaders.

So great is the Bing Censorship of China that the Chinese Web anti-censorship monitoring service has gone to great lengths to show that Bing censors content in China even more than the Chinese State owned search engine” Baidu” (47) does. But don’t worry; Microsoft’s support of the ICANN was completely in the name of a “free” internet.

Privacy is no longer a “social norm.” (48) — Mark Zuckerberg

Facebook is just as bad. In addition to being an outspoken advocate of globalism (47) and a liberal, (48) Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is the controlling force (49) behind the most powerful social media platform ever created. Facebook controls the global dialogue used by over a billion people with an invisible touch that is unprecedented. Almost two-thirds of American adults get news (50) from social media, (50) with 44% of them getting their news from Facebook alone. This means Facebook’s algorithms dominate the information of almost half the American public. As Gizmodo’s Michael Nuñez puts it, “with Facebook, we don’t know what we’re not seeing.” And he controls that platform with an iron grip.

Facebook has conducted numerous studies to better understand how information spreads in a social network. For instance, in 2010 Facebook conducted a secret experiment on 61 million unknowing people (51) by tampering with their news feeds to find out how successfully it could manipulate the real-world voting habits of those people. Later, Facebook released the findings and claimed that they increased voter turnout by more than 340,000 people. Facebook regularly skews the news it posts; in 2012 it manipulated the feeds on 700,000 people without their consent to make them feel sad (52) and then published the results in the respected (?) scientific journal “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.” The results showed fairly conclusively that Facebook had found the key to intentionally influencing people’s emotions. That year they did the same type of experiment on 1.9 million people (53) to influence the US election. In 2014 Facebook used the rainbow flag as another experiment to get people to be more accepting of same-sex marriage. (54)

Facebook has made an empire of selling information about every person they can. It openly manipulates the feeds (55) and posts (56) they allow on Facebook and the posts people are allowed to place for other members of Facebook. Facebook is now “reluctantly” being “forced” to manipulate their algorithm to crack down on “fake” (57) news being posted on Facebook. Though this sounds like a noble goal, the potential for censorship is unmistakable, especially when one looks at the list of websites they plan on censoring. The sites Facebook and Google are going to censor as “fake” was created by a self-proclaimed feminist assistant professor at Merrimack College who did not like the sites her students citing in their research papers. (58) Sites like Breitbart; Realfarmacy; Lew Rockwell; Zerohedge; and World Net Daily. Though all have posted articles that have proven to be false, Facebook has no problem with posting articles from even less reliable news site like USA Today; MSNBC; CNN; BBC and the New York Times. Google is now planning on using this same list to censor content. It does not take a rocket scientist to see where this censorship is headed.

In fact, in one of the most blatant acts of “fake news” (59) to ever hit the news media was perpetrated by the New York Times in early 1957, when a former war correspondent, Herbert L. Matthews, (60) wrote numerous articles filled with the glories and praises of a young Cuban revolutionary named Fidel Castro. Article after article spewing from Matthews’ typewriter glowed with tales that eventually created a Robin Hood persona for a murdering communist thug. It cannot be understated how important the “fake news” was to propel Castro into power. Yet the New York Times (61) stands as a purveyor of honest journalism according to our Ministry of “truth.”



  1. Merkel with Obama: Internet ‘Disruptive’ Force that Has to Be ‘Contained, Managed, and Steered’ by Government
  2. Obama Merkel – Internet Censorship Will Control Middle Class Rebellion
  3. Obama, Merkel Blame Social Media for Being Politically Disruptive
  4. Microsoft is Still an Evil Company, Don’t Believe the Reputation Laundering ‘Campaigners’
  5. Liberal Media Bias
  6. How Bing Search Engine Plays Politics in Election 2016
  7. Tim Cook and Bill Gates Might Have Been on Hillary Clinton’s Vice President List
  8. Gates Foundation accused of ‘dangerously skewing’ aid priorities by promoting ‘corporate globalization’
  9. Web censorship in China? Not a problem, says Bill Gates
  10. Bill Gates: Voter opposition to globalization is ‘a huge concern’ — and a wake-up call
  11. Bill Gates says in order to keep talent in America the country must overhaul ‘perverse’ immigration laws
  12. Soros & Fellow Billionaires for Open Borders Lobby GOP on Amnesty
  13. Microsoft Lays Off Thousands While Demanding More H1-B Visas
  14. Xi Jinping in Seattle to meet with CEOs of Apple, Microsoft and other tech giants
  15. New research claims that Microsoft’s Bing censors heavily within China, even more so than Baidu
  16. Is Facebook Trying to Turn you Into a Globalist?
  17. The end of Trump’: How Facebook deepens millennials’ confirmation bias
  18. Zuckerberg proves he is Facebook’s editor by allowing Trump’s hate speech.
  19. Will Facebook Replace the News?
  20. Facebook is a Media Company, Treat it as One
  21. 61 million person experiment in social influence
  22. Facebook Deliberately Experimented on Your Emotions
  23. Facebook wants you to vote.
  24. Did YOU change your Facebook picture to a rainbow?
  25. Meet leftist prof who wrote ‘hit list’ of ‘fake’ news sites
  26. How Fake News Created The Myth Of Fidel Castro As Latin Robin Hood
  27. The New York Times; Unrepentant Communist Enabler
  28. 1957: Matthews NY Times interview Castro in Sierra
  29. Still Fronting for Fidel at the New York Times
  30. Facebook Censorship How Facebook Censors your posts
  31. Facebook to crack down on spread of misinformation
  32. The Top Ten Things We Can’t Believe Eric Schmidt Ever Said
  33. Of Course Facebook Is Biased. That’s How Tech Works Today

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