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Erosion of Trust: Concerns about a Two-Tiered Justice System in America

The American justice system, once hailed as a beacon of fairness and equality, is facing a reckoning as a growing divide becomes very evident. Recent developments, including the alleged corruption within the Biden family and the indictment of former President Donald Trump, sheds light on what appears to be a two-tiered approach to justice.

Just this week, former President Donald Trump was indicted once again, for what is perceived as politically motivated charges intending to derail his candidacy for president. The sheer number of cases being brought against Donald Trump by Joe Biden’s Department of Justice, while he is Biden’s leading opponent for president, raises eyebrows about the integrity of our justice system. Of course, the fake news media has trained their spotlights on Donald Trump, focusing all of their energy on the allegations against him. 

Meanwhile, the press and Democrat leadership has given a pass to Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, excusing away the damning revelations that have recently come to light. Testimony this week by Hunter Biden’s former business associate suggests Hunter used his father, during his tenure as Vice President, as political influence in his business dealings. And we’ve all seen the video of Joe Biden admitting, in his own words, that he strong-armed a foreign government to fire the prosecutor that was investigating Hunter Biden and his company. And just last week, Hunter’s sweetheart plea deal with the government was derailed by a judge who, rightly, saw through the deceptive tactics to hide a statement of immunity to other federal crimes in the terms of the agreement. Yet the media is silent on the Biden family.

Amidst the theatrics of the Hunter Biden trial, the larger picture becomes clearer: we are witnessing a performance, a spectacle meant to distract us. Seemingly, the DOJ is playing a role in shielding the Biden family from legal consequences. This further fuels concerns about a two-tiered justice system, further eroding trust in the impartiality of the system.

So where is the collective outrage of the American people? Has our patience been stretched so thin that even repeated indictments of a presidential candidate fail to stir us? We sit and watch the DOJ give preferential treatment to the sitting president’s family, and our press shields Joe Biden from criticism, and we sit on our hands?

Where are the American people? Historically, the answer by Republicans has been to continue living our lives, going to church, raising our families, attending our extracurricular activities, while we wait to cast our ballot at the next election. That is no longer enough. The time has come to brace ourselves. To stand firm on our American principles. To get ready, prepare and get involved. The year 2024 is approaching and Idaho is poised to take the lead in expressing its voice for our next presidential nominee. We must equip ourselves now to double down on our involvement in local and national politics to express our discontent with the way our beloved America is slipping through our fingers.

We must remember that the strength of a nation rests not only on its leadership but also on the engagement of its citizens. The wheels of change will only turn when we apply our hands to them. America’s legacy is built upon moments when the people stood united and unyielding in the face of challenges. So, fellow Republicans, the call to action is resounding. How much longer will you wait to engage, to get involved politically, to hold the media accountable, to hold your elected representatives accountable? The future of our nation hangs in the balance, awaiting the answer to this pivotal question.

Spring Favorites

3 replies on “Erosion of Trust: Concerns about a Two-Tiered Justice System in America”

Mrs. Moon,

During your tenure in our Statehouse you allowed tyranny to prevail and perverse this State.

When Idaho Code EXPLICITLY FORBIDS a Right EXPRESSLY AND PURPOSELY ENUMERATED, “the right to a trial by jury SHALL REMAIN INVIOLATE”, Idaho Constitution Article 1, Section 7, this is nothing but tyranny and of a communistic dictatorship wherein the government creates the law, arrests, charges, prosecutes, judges, and sentences We the People when yet no Jury is “legally allowed”.

So, get out of office/political positions, sit down, be ever so constantly quiet, and let true Men, true Christian Men, lead.
Life Is Precious.

There is no justice in the United States of America and hasn’t been since its inception in 1787:

Justice “died” 235 years ago when the 1787 cadre of Enlightenment and Masonic theistic rationalists (aka constitutional framers) replaced the Bible’s Criminal JUSTICE System with their own CRIMINAL Justice System.

“…According to Habakkuk 1:7, not only did the Chaldeans’ authority originate with themselves, but so did their justice. And so does the justice of WE THE PEOPLE: “WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice….” What an audacious assertion. Only Yahweh is just, and only He can establish justice:

‘Justice and judgment are the habitation of thy [Yahweh’s] throne: mercy and truth shall go before thy face.’ (Psalm 89:14)

“Anytime autonomous man attempts to establish justice outside Yahweh’s moral laws, the result is always injustice. In Isaiah 5:20, this transposition is depicted as calling good evil and evil good. The word “autonomous” comes from two Greek words: auto meaning self and nomos meaning law. The word, which literally means “self-law,” is just another way of describing humanism and, in this instance, constitutionalism….”

For more, see Chapter 3 “The Preamble: We the People vs. Yahweh” of free online book “Bible Law vs. the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective” at Bible versus Constitution dot org. Click on the top entry on our Online Book page and scroll down to Chapter 3.

Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.

John Adams

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