Opinions / Op-eds

Editing The Truth

As everyone learns about the backdoor deals made by the government on censorship over the last several years, there are promises of more censorship that loom in the future based on stopping mis/disinformation, Disinformation is defined as ” false information deliberately and often covertly spread (as by the planting of rumors) in order to influence public opinion or obscure the truth”, and misinformation is defined as “incorrect or misleading information”. There really isn’t much difference between the two, both are speak to propaganda and lying.

Unbeknownst to many, whoppers of lies have already been thrust upon us for years because of the relationships between the United Nations (UN), corporations, and the World Economic Forum (WEF), forcing Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) down our throats.

The UN Global Media Compact, launched in 2018, “seeks to inspire media and entertainment companies…to leverage their resources and creative talent to advance the Goals.” It includes “more than 30 founding media organizations – encompassing more than 100 media and entertainment outlets”.

Members of this compact include A&E with its brands; Devex which is a media platform for the global development community with numerous other partners over which it has influence; Discovery; and Scientific American for filtering out any science that conflicts with the SDG objectives. ATTN is another member, a “social video publisher”, and “production studio and creative agency offering best-in-class storytelling, audience insights, and social content creation” that includes several brands.

Not that publishers haven’t already been inserting SDG into textbooks. In 2020, the International Publishers Association (IPA) launched the SDG Publishers Compact for “publishing books and journals that will help inform, develop and inspire action” in the direction of championing the SDGs. The “The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Book Club” aims “to encourage children ages 6-12 to interact with the principles of the Sustainable Development Goals” along with other objectives. Red flags to look for are the communications materials. This really extends the lying into more publications, especially towards children.

Holtzbrinck Publishing Group, a WEF partner, is a German holding company that unites “world-leading publishing houses across the globe”. This includes publishing companies in the U.S. such as Macmillan that includes MacMillan Learning, and SpringerLink. One also must not forget the largest school textbook publishers that are also WEF members such as McGraw-Hill, Pearson, and Cengage Learning. Very few publishers are left that do not inject the SDG ideology into educational books.

WEF has its own censorship, or rather propaganda body, the Global Alliance for Responsible Media, or GARM, run by the World Federation of Advertisers, another WEF partner. Its focus is “to address harmful and misleading media environments” by “collaborating with publishers and platforms”. And its list of corporate members is long, all pushing sustainable development.

In 2020, the WEF also launched its Power of Media initiative “to enhance trust, improve diversity and representation in media, build social cohesion through entertainment, culture and sport, and build back a better and sustainable media ecosystem”. This is being spread through gaming, TV, advertising, movies, and books.

To demonstrate just how powerful this initiative is, the WEF partnered with Accenture, an organization that facilitates the reinvention and “rapid transformations” in corporations. Through this, media reinvention corporations “can reap financial benefits”, and shape “attitudes…towards diversity…at an early age“, The WEF knows full well that “Media and entertainment have the power to shape our perspectives…”. The days of Andy Griffith are over.

Managing social media and online communication information will be the responsibility of the UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Its report, Guidelines for the governance of digital platforms: safeguarding freedom of expression and access to information through a multi-stakeholder approach, will create an “Internet of Trust” that will ban “misinformation,” “disinformation,” “hate speech,” “conspiracy theories while promoting cultural and gender diversity. through global policies” and “used in ways that are conducive to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.”

The WEF has plans for using metaverse (pg 104), “a combination of augmented, virtual and mixed reality environments that are accessible and interactive in real time” in media and entertainment, as part of its scheme “to influence people’s perspectives and livelihoods.” Harming children is the goal of metaverse.

To help combat any misinformation is NewsGuard, providing “transparent tools to counter misinformation for readers, brands, and democracies” using AI tools. Ratings for credibility, based on nine journalistic criteria, are given for whatever is read. Be sure and look for that rating icon posted in what you read, especially when you want the truth on health matters.

Like Winston in 1984, this takeover of all information is really about the elimination and removal of information, information that will no longer even be available for censorship. Information will be routinely discarded and the only information that will be available will be produced by these organizations and what they think you should know, and think. In doing so, humans are being brainwashed with only information the UN and WEF want you to know. Access to anything else will be gone. Manipulated propaganda will continue to be incrementally accepted, while the future for everyone is being designed. 

To see how glaring the removal of information has already occurred, compare an 8th grade history book from 1965 to a current one. 

Through a massive campaign the SDGs are being forced into our lives. It isn’t censorship, it is editing facts and information, similar to the book burning in Germany, or the removal of statues. History erased with only a sustainable future as the truth.

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