
District 14 Candidates Forum – April 23, 2018, in Eagle, Idaho

You are invited to attend a District 14 Candidates Forum

Date of Event: April 23rd (Monday)
Time: 7:00-9:00 pm
Place: Eagle City Hall, 660 E Civic Ln, Eagle, Id 83616.

Co-sponsors for the event are Northwest Liberty Academy, Health Freedom Idaho, Idaho Freedom Foundation, the John Birch Society, and the National Defense Authorization Act group (NDAA).


  • Each Candidate will be given time for a brief introduction.
  • Co-sponsors will each pose a question
  • Each candidate will have three minutes to respond.
  • Questions from the audience will be submitted in writing.
  • Each candidate will also be given three minutes to make closing statements at the end of the forum.
  • A timekeeper will be used to ensure fairness.

This is a non-partisan event for the community to meet the candidates and to hear each of their views. Candidates are encouraged to bring printed materials.

To participate contact Quillyn Zebedeo at

Questions? Call 208-920-1101

Thank you for your involvement!

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