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My covid journey started with my trip to the local clinic to get tested. They had me drive my car to the back parking lot where a nurse came out and did the test and took my temp. Then the PA came out to tell me it was positive and I had 101 fever. I asked her about getting the antibody meds but was told no that I needed to go home, treat like I had the flu and come back if I had problems breathing. Her next question was, was I vaccinated? When I said no she shrugged her shoulders at which point I felt dismissed by the very people I had come to for help. She didn’t check my oxygen level or order a blood test. Both of which could have told her I was in trouble. I had not eaten much because of nausea and was dehydrated.

Two days later I was taken by ambulance to the Weiser ER because my O2 level had dropped, and the home oxygen was not helping. They put me on higher oxygen and stayed with me until they found me a bed at St Al’s in Boise. They said there wasn’t a bed for me in Weiser and I needed more help than they could provide. The doctor told me I could call my husband and son so they could come see me before I was loaded on the Life Flight helicopter. Little did I know at the time they had me call them because she was sure I would die, and it would be the last time they would see me. 

My flight to Boise went fine, I didn’t have any problems with oxygen at all. But as soon as I got to my room at St. Al’s the doctor wanted to put me on a ventilator. She got right in my face and said I would die if they didn’t do that. I told them no vent and before I knew they had put a DNR bracelet on my arm. They drew blood several times but not once did a Dr. let me know the results. They put me on 55 liters of O2 which was blowing into my face & very uncomfortable. I ask for something to drink or eat and was told sorry that I might choke. My biggest problem was dehydration even more than having trouble with oxygen level. My son sent me a text that they were working on getting me out of the hospital on Hospice and I was relieved. I felt if I stayed I would die for sure. Just a gut feeling I had and I don’t think I was wrong in that feeling. In fact, I didn’t see a doctor again until I was discharged. She told me I would die in the ambulance because they had me on such high O2 and the ambulance or at home could not support that level. The thing was I didn’t need that much O2. I told her (a different Dr. from the one that admitted me) that if I was going to die, I wanted to die at home with my family and not in a hospital alone without anyone that cared. She acted mad but didn’t have a choice except to let me go home. St. Al’s didn’t waste any time sending me a summary of Medical Services. For one day in ICU the bill is $31,146.50 with a note that it doesn’t include billing for the two DRs that spent less than 20mins with me. And people don’t believe you when you say follow the money.

Not sure how much O2 I got at home, but it was enough. I did just fine on it and wasn’t long until they turned it down. I was so weak that I couldn’t even sit up by myself. With many people praying for me, & the great care I was given, food every 2hrs, lots of liquids to drink and medicine. Besides the O2 I was nebulizing 6 times a day. If I remember correctly after about 5 days, I was able to get up out of bed and was released from Hospice care not to long after that. Hospice told me it was refreshing to see someone get better and not worse.

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I was trying to be more active and that caused a hemorrhage in my right thigh muscle. This sent me back to the Weiser ER. The ER doctor said I didn’t expect to see you again. I thought I would read your obituary in the paper. Funny thing was she didn’t seem to care how I got better but instead found fault with all the meds I was on. They took me off everything and reduced the steroids I was taking from 68 to 20 mg.

Again, Weiser hospital couldn’t treat me so I was sent this time to St. Luke’s in Boise. My choice because St Al’s didn’t want to take me. Luke’s put me on Covid quarantine until a Doctor saw me and determined I was not contagious. My son drove to Boise to follow me but wasn’t allowed to see me because of the Covid status until the next day after it was lifted. I must say my time at St. Luke’s was much different, but I wasn’t on a covid floor. Only two complaints; I could only have one visitor a day which meant my husband and my son couldn’t both come see me in the same day. My sister Viki Purdy (Adams County Commissioner) came to see me but they wouldn’t let her because my son was there. The other one was the doctor that was assigned to me kept trying to make me feel guilty because I hadn’t been vaccinated. Every time she saw me, she said something before she left. Her quote was “if you won’t do it for yourself then do it for us”. 

Coming back from the 2nd hospital stay I had home health care for about a month. I’m still on 2 liters of O2 but trying to wean off it. I’m getting around and doing more each day. 

I have to give credit to God; I was praying and had family and friends praying for me too. We are never sure why bad things happen but if my story helps, then maybe that is why. 

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7 replies on “COVID Hospital HELL”

Praise God for your healing IN SPITE OF the lack of care you received at the hospitals. Early intervention and treatment, not the CDC protocols, could have helped you avoid this, or at least most of it. It is criminal how people are being sacrificed, murdered by the so-called medical system.
Continue to heal and God bless.

This is maddening. Thank you for sharing your story. I’m forwarding this to my friends. When I had covid, it was pretty bad and I got pneumonia. Thank God I had Ivermection, which I encourage everybody to do whatever you have to to get it. I started feeling better within hours of taking it. But I got it late and took it many days into my infection and by that time, I had pneumonia. My family practice PA at least gave me a 7 day cycle of 100mg doxcycline but did not tell me that due to the severity of the infection, a rapid-acting schizonticide such as quinine should always be given in conjunction with Doxycycline. Nonetheless, it shut down the pneumonia, thank God Almighty.

Coralie: Could you please elaborate on what exactly you were nebulizing, and the type of steroids and how they were administered? Thank you.

And thank you too, Bob.

I had three meds I was nebulizing, Budesonide; Albuterol; and one they called Mucinex. I still use Budesonide if I need to. I took Ivermectin and HCQ once a day. Steroids was Prednisone 40 mg a day for 14 days and then switched to Methylprednisolone at 72 mg and reduced it by one tablet each day until gone. I also had Azithromycin 250mg once a day for 2 weeks. This was along with Vit D, C and Zinc. They fed me high protein meals, smoothies with added protein powder, no sugar and low carbs. This was after I got out of hospital, which gave me nothing but high oxygen.

Perhaps, when they’ve fired all the thoughtful, caring people who won’t take the shot, all the staff they’re left with are liberals (oppressives) that love to TALK about caring, but really don’t care about anyone but themselves.

No different than the treatment my brother in law received in Las Vegas. A miracle he survived. Do they treat you so poorly in order to qualify for the government pay out? It makes no senses!

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