John Livingston

Corporatism and Gesellschaft

I remain an unapologetic Anglophile. The library in my home has a section where we begin with the “merging of “Athens and Jerusalem” the Bible and St.’s Aquinas and Augustine and the works of Aristotle and Plato, a copy of The Magna Carta, works of the Enlightenment including Adam Smith, Burke, Wilberforce, Locke, Jefferson, and for some French Balance Montesquieu, Voltaire, and Rousseau. The Enlightenment influence extended beyond the Great Revolutions of the eighteenth century and early nineteenth centuries and beyond Colonialism and Imperialism. All periods should inform us, but the apologetics of the early twentieth century during the end The Age of Imperialism in England, seem to be speaking to America and the state of political debate in our country today. Rudyard Kipling, C.S Lewis, and G. K. Chesterton wrote for over forty years anticipating the cultural and political clashes of their day and that are coming to fruition in our country today. They defined these “cultural clashes” in religious and Biblical terms, and in my opinion rightly so. See if you see the similarities and see if you agree with me that history as always very much informs the issues of our day—even when we think that our problems are unique to us.

As materialistic philosophies like Marxist Socialism, Communism, and totalitarian centralized solutions to the problems of an increasing industrialized society became ever more popular in Academic centers in Europe, England and the United States, the push back from those “religious” —both Protestant and Catholic was at first almost non-existent. In later years C. S. Lewis and many other academicians opined that there was a fear in the intellectual communities that pushing back against the FABIANS could be dangerous. Sound familiar? Mass conformation bias. Who were the “Fabians”?

The Fabian Society is a British socialist organization whose purpose is to advance the principles of democratic socialism via gradualist and reformist effort in democracies, rather than by revolutionary overthrow. The Fabian Society was also historically related to radicalism, a left-wing liberal tradition.

Others like G. K. Chesterton, Rudyard Kipling, and Hilaire Belloc railed and warned incessantly for 40 years. History was to prove their positions to be prescient and correct. Hitler, Stalin, and Mao were all predicted. Their position against totalitarian Fascism and Marxism was labeled “distributism”, and it was very “Jeffersonian” in its ideas. They believed in the ownership of private property and that individuals should own the “means of production”. Corporate ownership in their day was held by the elite establishment in the landed aristocratic classes. Stock ownership by everyday people was almost unheard of. They imagined a more agrarian society, where neighbor would know and help neighbor. Political power in the “distributist state” was to be decentralized and, ” a kind of New England Town Hall offering maximum opportunity for each citizen at the local level” was the model. Sounds like Jefferson, Goldwater, or Reagan to me. At the core of distributists values was the love of ordinary working people. Here was the ultimate creative source of civilization and at its center the sanctity and strength of the family. Distributism stood in opposition to the Marxist—Communist—Socialist statists.

Christ Troupis Book

At this same time in history Ferdinand Toennies, often times credited as the founder of modern sociology in Germany, defined to types of “social” communities” Gemeinschafts” where intimate relations are primary—family (child, husband wife parent). Gesellschafts is the opposite where social relations are determined by the coercive action of the state. The individual belongs to the state. Taken to an extreme this releases the individual from social ties, responsibilities, and the loss of norms. Coercive conformity exerted by the State or an agent of the State, acting in the best communal interests of the State was the ideal. Chesterton said of the Fabians who saw themselves as Kings and philosophers “that they seemed more aggrieved by the worlds mess than they did by the worlds’ wrongs—including their own”. They always approached social problems from the prospective of the State and not from the position of the individual. Only within the context of the family based on principles of ownership and private property should the State be allowed to act. Collectivism in any of its’ forms showed no understanding or appreciation of the private (family) or public (government) aspects of The Natural Law as understood by many of our Anglo-Enlightenment fathers.

What evolved over forty years in Western Europe and to some extent in our country was a government of “corporate bias”. A government not by the legislature or parliament, but a government between corporations (elitists with special connections—a managerial elite) and those in the executive branches with the same bibliographies.

According to the conservatives of the early twentieth century, “the electoral cycle had little effect on economic or political decisions.” The legislature was used by the corporate leaders to win popular mandates for decisions they had already arrived at or would soon be making. As early as 1930 Chesterton warned that it didn’t make any difference which party or candidate won an election, so long as a loyalist to the ruling class won—irrespective of party, because the loyalists (substitute RINOs) were all under the thumb of the government, bureaucratic, corporatists. He called this “triangulation. I contend that this shift in power away from the legislators—the people, toward the special interests is precisely what has happened in Washington DC and Idaho.

The corporatists Idaho Association of Commerce and Industry (IACI), Idaho Medical Association, (IMA), Idaho Hospital Association (IHA), and the Idaho Education Association (IEA) have more sway over our government than We the People. Modern day triangulation between for example hospitals and the insurance companies, government agencies, and our politicians has sucked the representative sole out of Idaho governance and government. The very people charged with being watchdogs for the people over large corporations receive their campaign money from those same corporations. In fact, many times people move in and out of the private sector to the public sector thus facilitating the process of triangulation and making the will of the people less relevant.

We have in Idaho and Washington DC a Gesellschafts. WE the People Know it. So do the politicians including our Governor. They will do everything to protect their purchase on such a power including not debating the very people whose vote you are asking for. Only we the people can change this,

Get out and vote! A Great Awakening could truly change all this.

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4 replies on “Corporatism and Gesellschaft”

Thanks for a great selection of columns! Was going to forward one on and then realized they were all great. Bundy info important.
Thanks for what you are doing.
Bob Shillingstad

Dr. Livingston your input on the Lobby Cartel that controls the majority of public servants in our local, state & federal governments is key to restoring government that represents the people. As a former board member for Citizens for Annexation Reform we provided hard evidence via legislative records on Idaho’s elected officials who have prostituted themselves to leadership of this forum & all of Idaho’s tea party reform groups with hopes it would trigger unity for lawful reform. Instead we were uniformly told that presenting the perpetrators with sufficient evidence to remove them from office exceeded their comfort zone. America’s Freedoms were Founded by people, not sheeple……

Thank you both for your replies. Below is my response to a former legislator about the corruption in the budgeting process in the legislature:
I must confess to you that I am almost angry about what is going on in Idaho with the budgeting process. It is the tip of the “iceberg” regarding deep seeded corruption in our State. Corruption doesn’t have to be illegal to be devastating to the citizens and I am not a lawyer to make that determination, but I know it is evil and hurting the people of Idaho and our politicians don’t seem to care. They are either naive or part of the problem. Most of them are very smart, though not always wise or courageous”

Here is a quote presented to me by one of our state Senators:

.” Every agency is audited for financial compliance. Additionally, agencies are bound by a tight set of legislative controls holding them accountable to their approved budgets. Each approved budget becomes law. If they breach these controls, they are breaking the law. Is this a perfect process, no and we should continue to work to improve it, but it does serve us well. “

My response followed:
The only audits that are done on State agencies are done by State agencies. It would be like the Board of Directors of a publicly traded company accepting the audit on behalf of their shareholders done by the very auditing division of the company being audited! Operational and financial independent signed partners audits need to be done by independent auditors that have no ties to either the agencies being audited or the legislators whose job it would be to review the audits. I have been asking for legislators to pursue my concerns for five years. Specifically, I have concerns about The Department of Health and Welfare and the controls placed on transfer payments to hospitals, providers, and insurance carriers. For a specific concern please look at the spending done by The Idaho Health Information Exchange and their declaration of bankruptcy.

Another reason for outside audits is the fact that the very people charged with regulating State agencies—legislators, receive a large portion of their campaign financing from health care providers and insurance carriers who are themselves the recipients of transfer funds. Look at who receives campaign contributions from the health care industry and then look at how they vote. Our dear friend was a case in point. There are many Republicans who follow that pattern. Are the legislators following the money or taking care of their constituent’s concerns?
. The reality is that the promise of the ACA has never been met. Costs, access, and quality by any measure have moved in the opposite directions than intended by the legislation. The processes involved in implementing the ACA have cost more and have had unintended consequences that should have been anticipated. Physicians and nurses are leaving the work force in numbers not seen since during WWII, and this was happening before Covid. WE never had a CEO hospital administrator who made $18/2yr until Dr. Pate’s last two years—as per IRS form 990. It is obscene and wrong.
Finally, one economic truth was realized—demand increased dramatically—at a time when the supply of doctors and nurses and even number of hospital beds was decreasing. Hmmmm. Decreased supply +increased demand= increased costs. Who could have ever anticipated such an outcome?
One final thing. The recipients of transfer payments need to undergo independent outside signed partners audits to be made available to the public via their legislators on a annual bases. This would be voluntary but would be a condition for future transfer payments. The State of Idaho would be holding a hammer over their heads for accountability just like the Feds are holding a hammer over The State of Idaho as a condition for future transfer payments. Medicaid is a “firecracker” ready to turn into a “keg of dynamite”.

Finally, I got to practice medicine when it for me was a vocation. I was recruited to St. Al’s by Sister Patricia Mulvaney (a great family friend)and Sister Patricia Vanden Berg. Patients always came first. Several years before my retirement I was at a Board meeting when I was told—John, “No margin, no mission”.. Large Institutions like Al’s/Luke’s that call themselves “Non-profits” and then have CEO’s and CFOs making millions of dollars per year are not “non-profit”

. I would encourage you to join me in this fight against the crony-corporate-State, medical establishment. Please also remember that Idaho was recently recognized as being one of the worst States for Medicare and Medicaid fraud—fraudulent enrollments and fraudulent payments to providers—I wrote an article in the Gem State Patriot about this issue if you would like to explore it more in detail.

Warmest regards and with respect,


Thanks again to both of you for your response and concern.


You’d think that someone in hospital administration would have read Camus, Chrichton, or even watched the Hot Zone to have an idea how badly and quickly things could turn to Hell.

Instead St Luke’s lavished a lot or money and staff time on community events such as Fit One and then claiming that as justification for its non-profit status. And don’t even as me of a MD JD CEO attempting to acquire Saltzer when it was obvious that the move was a blatant violation of the antitrust laws. Imagine the monies thrown down the rat hole of litigation instead of providing for a disaster.

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