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As Conservatives it should be Unity We Seek

I know the upcoming Idaho primaries are over a year and half away, nevertheless if we are going to be successful as conservatives we need to coalesce the abundant assets we have before us, organize them, and develop a plan for victory.

We are currently blessed with two well-known conservative lawmakers with ample experience in the legislative arena. Both are engaged in very important races within our state. Russ Fulcher and Representative Labrador can both play key roles in working cooperatively to providing a new direction for Idaho. Both men have been stalwart advocates for conservatism and fighting against the establishment in Idaho and Washington D.C.

In viewing the upcoming fall elections it is becoming a real possibility that Trump will be our next President. This will provide for a tremendous opportunity to restructure our Congressional leadership. The Freedom Caucus Rep. Labrador touts at all his town hall meetings will gain tremendous clout and the opportunity to add to its growing numbers and this could quite possibly change the leadership in the House of Representatives.

This group will suddenly be thrust upon the American landscape not as a viable alternative but rather a political force whose time has come. All the hard work Rep. Labrador has put into this plan for success will suddenly not just see the light of day it will be the light providing a beacon to lead our nation back to a path of economic prosperity and success. It can be the catalyst that starts the climb out of the abyss the Democrats have spiraled this nation into.

Back in Idaho, Russ Fulcher and Rep. Labrador have the opportunity to unite our state and lead a political tsunami and invigorate the conservative ideals we hold dear within our state and our country. They have the potential to crisscross the political landscape and excite our citizens of their potential. If these two men walk hand in hand campaigning across this state, we will win and we will bring many to our side.

The current prodding by the press to get Rep. Labrador and maybe even A.G. Wasden into the race is the opposition’s dream. Why would we join in their plan and why would we wish to fight amongst ourselves.

If Rep. Labrador decides to run for Governor who is going to run for the House of Representative in the 1st C.D.? We will have a tidal wave of candidates seeking this position and two staunchly conservative candidates duking it out against each other, and the establishment’s choice, Lt. Governor Little, for the Republican nomination for governor. The competition for funding will be greatly diminished amongst the conservative candidates. With diminished funding we allow for the real possibility that we could lose the House of Rep. in the 1st C.D. to a Democrat and have a weak Republican nominee in Little.

Lt. Governor Little talks a big game but walks back any conservative ideals when put to the question. The only thing better in the view of the press in electing Little would be the election of a Democrat Governor who would run as more conservative than Little. Something we have not seen since Cecil Andrus, (how did that work out), and this would be a very real possibility if we are unable to unite a conservative coalition.

These possibilities are real if conservatives are unable to unite and demonstrate a genuine concern for our state. We will have neglected practical politics for self-interest and seem more content to satisfy personal egos than to seek solutions for the challenges before the people we claim to represent.

In all of this we will be viewed as unorganized and petty and demonstrate our inability to lead, while the opposition quite possibly laughs its way to victory. The opposition is planning on our inability to be organized.

I am tired of ready, aim, shoot, while we all stand in a circle. Now is our time to lead and demonstrate our ability to organize, unite and execute a battle plan. We need to place the interest of Idahoans at the top above personal political ambitions. Rather than forming the circular firing squad let’s form a line this time and take back our state and our country.

As conservatives it should be unity we seek and total victory for that which our cause represents.

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