Opinions / Op-eds

Republican Presidential Debate Highlights the Party’s Strength

Republicans have never been afraid of debating the issues. Unlike the other side, which conspires to silence and censor anyone who disagrees with them, Republicans embrace the marketplace of ideas. Wednesday’s Republican presidential primary debate was a perfect example.  It was a privilege to have the opportunity to attend the first Presidential Debate as a […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Idaho Republican Party Strongly Denounces Unjust Persecution of Donald Trump, Citing Threat to Democracy and Public Trust

The unjust targeting of President Donald J. Trump for political reasons has raised significant alarm. It is evident that the principles of a fair and transparent electoral process have been greatly compromised, as President Trump has become the victim of unlawful and corrupt investigations and indictments aimed at curbing his campaign for President. In America, […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Our Children are the Future

Our children are the future. When we allow our children to be taught that their physical body is not the correct body for them, we are committing a crime against the future and against God. Our precious babies should be free to live in a world where they can run, and play, where they can experience […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Affordable Idaho

“Just a touch of sarcasm” Reclaim Idaho has a brilliant plan to deal with Idaho’s drug, crime, and homelessness problems while making housing more affordable for everyone. Remember that Reclaim brought us Medicaid Expansion that they promised would cost $350 million but it performed three times better and now costs about a Billion dollars a […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Dear DOJ: Leave the Politics to Congress

By taking unprecedented steps to repeatedly prosecute former President Donald Trump, the Department of Justice (DOJ) stands as a prime example for why Washington, D.C., is known as “The Swamp.” These are non-elected personnel, acting with clear political bias, using U.S. law as a weapon. The only thing that rivals their level of bias against […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Idahoans: Just Say No to Reclaim Idaho

Late last week, Idaho’s leftist press gloated about the State Supreme Court’s decision that the Attorney General’s office must rewrite the blanket primary / ranked choice voting ballot initiative. What they’re not telling you is that this actually marks a triumph for the AG and for all Idahoans who value the truth. The ballot initiative […]

Opinions / Op-eds

1,600 Scientists Oppose Man-Caused Climate Change

Greetings Senators Crapo and Risch; Representatives Simpson and Fulcher; Governor Little; Lt. Governor Bedke and the Idaho State Legislature: CC: Lisa Grow, CEO and president of Idaho Power: More and more scientists are opposing man-caused climate change due to Carbon Dioxide from fossil fuels. Now 1600 scientists have reinforced the 31,487 who previously opposed the […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Is the “WHO” Looking out for your Health or Theirs?

Please contact your elected officials (especially US Senators) to STOP the UN’s World Health Organization’s Pandemic Treaty. Once you read the following analysis you will realize this very bad treaty must not be ratified to stop nearly total WHO control over our lives. Greetings Senators Crapo and Risch; Representatives Simpson and Fulcher; Governor Little; Lt. […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Labrador Letter – August 18, 2023

It’s been another busy week in the Attorney General’s office holding the federal government accountable. This week, I joined with 27 states to call on the United States Supreme Court to grant certiorari in the case of Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo and to correct an earlier decision in Chevron U.S.A., Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc. that […]

Opinions / Op-eds

What the 2024 Idaho Presidential Caucus might be like

During the last legislative session, the Secretary of State Phil McGrane pushed legislation to move the Presidential Primary from March to May. Unfortunately, the bill was poorly drafted and what it really did was to ELIMINATE Idaho’s Presidential Primary entirely. Despite this flaw, the Governor signed the bill which disenfranchised every Idaho citizen from expressing […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Former Governor Sarah Palin to speak against Ranked-Choice Voting in Idaho Falls

Get ready for an electrifying event that’s bound to shake up the Idaho political landscape. The Idaho Republican Party is excited as we prepare to welcome the charismatic former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin to Idaho Falls on August 19th! A powerhouse in conservative politics, Palin’s visit promises to ignite discussions that touch the very heart […]

Opinions / Op-eds

They Took A Bullet For Us

WWII was the last Constitutionally declared war by Congress with all multiple subsequent conflicts being decided by an unelected council. While many countries participated in the fight to end Nazism, it was the force of American men who supported those countries in ending the most tyrannical regime of the 20th century. In 2022, it was estimated that only 167,284 of those veterans […]

Gem State Patriot News