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Catastrophic Control with Digital Identity

If digital identity is difficult to understand, just look at that phone sitting on the counter. These phones hold the potential for your survival. Not only are they used for communication, but are also designed for apps that will determine how you are allowed to participate in society.

Mobile phones can and are being used for digital identity.

Digital identity can also be used for a social credit score. A high score allows you to participate in society and receive services, a low score boots you out and threatens your ability to survive. Those phones will carry your digital identity for the purposes of a social credit score.

China already uses this form of control. This young woman is clueless as to how much of her freedom has been taken but she thinks it is great.

As another example, a “health status” QR code on a Chinese citizen phone is used to authorize utilization of services. This results in their phone app signaling a red code for being unhealthy, perhaps unvaccinated, meaning they were not healthy to be in the community, which in turn prevents them from accessing services. Essentially, by not conforming properly to any requirement, it is possible to be shut out of life. That Chinese gal in the video thought that was just fine. If a phone isn’t charged, just dies, or is lost, will the lifeline for survival just stop?

The federal government is considering, and even states are pushing forward with programs that will implement digital identity. Along with vaccine passports, these are the first steps in placing everyone into a world where freedom and independence will no longer exist, and behavior will be controlled. Whole Foods has started its own QR code requirement to obtain food. Europe is leading the way for digital identity and this video gives a chilling picture of its progress.

In fact, corporations are already going after state governments to implement digital ID, and at the heart of its implementation are driver’s licenses. A special report, a Better Identity Coalition State Blueprint Dec 2022, has been prepared to give legislators.

Digital identity is a much sought after component of the World Economic Forum (WEF) Great Reset agenda. With its tech partners that make these phones, just like the push for all electric vehicles, there will come a point where everyone will be forced into using mobile phones, other types of phones may be completely eliminated.

How will Idaho get out of this one? Contact your legislator and advise them to reject this corporate proposal for a digital identity.

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4 replies on “Catastrophic Control with Digital Identity”

I love articles like this. Too bad few, if any are as interested as they should be. When I spoke to Karen years ago, she and another friend told me in no uncertain terms “if you want to understand it, you better start reading about it” and that I did and have been ever since. As sad as it is to say, the only advice I can offer is the same to those that are still focusing on their somewhat trivial issues (in comparison to most other issues.) I have come to realize that this topic isn’t sexy and not mainstream so people aren’t as interested as they should be. What I believe about those that understand this issue is that part of this fear is allowing good people to help the evil ones intentionally pushing this issue to flush us all down the toilet. People like Karen should be elevated (although I know they would most likely detest it) because everyone worth their salt deserves to be held up when they have warned us for decades. Pay attention or we all go down…fast and permanently. Kudos Karen. Keep up the great work and kudos to you for posting the article!

Thank you for this important article.

Please share actions we all can take to save our freedom, financial lives, and our health:
New steps are announced every week (resuming Jan. 8, 2023)!

* Step 1: Pay Cash Only (for one week or as long as possible):
* Step 2: Locate and Support Family-Run Grocery Stores and Markets!
* Step 3: Unsubscribe from Mainstream Media Outlets:
* Step 4: Support Smaller Banks:
* Step 5: Share Your Upside Down Flag (upside down indicates distress):
* Step 6: Create Community Dinner Tables Around the World:
* Step 7: Avoid Self-Checkouts or QR Codes + Avoid Seed Oils:
* Step 8: Watch and Share the Documentary ‘The Real Anthony Fauci’: and
* Step 9: Encourage Businesses to Display a Poster that Says, ‘Cash is Preferred’ (goes with Step 1):
* Step 10: Recap Steps 1-9:
* Step 11: Spend at Least 3 hours Outdoors / Week; Check & Boost Your Vitamin D Levels to >= 120 nanomoles:
* Step 12: Ask Teachers & Principals about Current and Planned Curricula, including Book Lists & Sexual Education:
* Includes non-consent template letter for parents:
* Step 13: Withdraw and Reach Out: 
* Part 1 – Withdraw Your Money from Banks and Use Cash or Invest in Something Tangible.
* Part 2 – Reach Out to at Least TWO People with Whom You’ve Lost Contact.
* Step 14: Educate People about Dangers of a Digital ID and Digital Currencies including CBDCs (Central Bank Digital Currencies):
* Don’t miss the video introduction (4 min), the documentary trailer (1+ min), and the full documentary (1hr 14 min)

About Reignite Freedom
* Reignite Freedom’s global walkout website:
* Join the global walk out (provide your email address and country, get notified about the weekly steps):

Here is a suggestion for fighting CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) by sending a letter to your financial institutions.

* Video – Financial Rebellion Episode 52 (51 min – Catherine Austin-Fitts, Polly Tommey, Carolyn Betts):–send-this-letter-to-your-bank/
* Template letter page (28 min timestamp in video explains the letter):
* PDF of template letter:
* Docx of template letter (editable): attached – you will want to edit this.

As both of us are well aware Tom, it is disheartening that this type of information we share is not heeded, at least it doesn’t appear to be. The ones who do heed it are already very aware of the danger we are in. As you, I, and others have pondered, how do you get people to grasp the gravity of the situation? Winston Churchill must have pondered the same with his warnings about the Nazis.

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