
Bob Nonini – Candidate for Lt. Governor

Idahoans always prevail. Our passions allows us to create the things we need out of the things we have. The May 15th primary will be one of the biggest, most important primaries Idaho has seen in decades, and we need your support. The Republican Party will elect a Governor, a Lt. Governor and many other Constitutional officers to run in the November 2018 General Election. Idaho is thankfully a very Republican State, and success in the May primary will all but assure a victory in November for most Republicans.

Passion and experience are the principles behind my campaign. My name is Bob Nonini, and I intend to be your next Lt. Governor of Idaho. I am running for this position after serving the last 14 years in the Idaho Legislature. Prior to my legislative service, I spent 13 years actively involved in the State Republican Party as a Precinct Committeeman, Legislative District Chairman, County Chairman and State Party Chairmen’s Chairman on the executive committee. Experience Matters – Experience Counts.

There are a number of other candidates in the Republican primary for the Lt. Governor’s position, however the choice is clear. You only need to look at the records (or lack of any records) to see which candidate can and will deliver on their campaign promises. Whether those promises involve School Choice, the Second Amendment, Pro-Life or Economic Development and Taxes, no candidate stands a close second to my experience. I have kept all my promises and successfully passed legislation to create a better Idaho. Please look at how the conservative third parties rate me as compared to the others in the Republican primary for Lt. Governor.

The Idaho Freedom Foundation, the American Conservative Union and Project Vote Smart are three organizations that score legislators according to their voting records. In all three organizations’ scoring records, I rank at the top, above all other Lt. Governor candidates in the primary. In political races, many candidates “talk the talk”, but I am the only candidate proven that he can “walk the walk”.

Over the past 14 years I have maintained an A+ rating with the NRA. I fought against restrictive legislation aiming to take firearms away from law-abiding citizens on college campuses. My record also indicates that I never voted against a bill supporting pro-life issues. As an example, in 2008, I sponsored legislation making coerced abortion a felony in Idaho, the first U.S. State to pass such a bill. Protecting life from the point of conception, and defending the Second Amendment, are principles I will always support for our state.

Another cornerstone of my beliefs has been strongly supporting parental choice in education. This includes homeschooling, parochial schools, and charter schools. We also passed legislation allowing the Kootenai Technical Education Campus (KTEC) to open early. Trade based education along with investments in Science, Technology, Education and Mathematics (STEM) programs are helping assure that Idaho’s youth are ready for the demands of tomorrow’s economy. As Lt. Governor, I will continue to be an advocate for Idaho’s youth, and champion the right of parents to choose what is best for them and their family.

Looking toward our children’s future means cultivating a pro-business economy here in Idaho. That is one of the main reasons why I sponsored the STAR (State Tax Anticipation Revenue) Legislation. This allowed for big employer companies, such as Cabela’s, to invest and create jobs here in Idaho. STAR Legislation brings private industry dollars into our local economy and infrastructure. It worked so well for northern Idaho that this model has been expanded to other areas of the State. Further, Pay for Success is another piece of legislation that I am proud to have sponsored successfully. This program gets private businesses invested in early-stage reading development with incentives driving strong performance.

Supporting education and creating a business-friendly environment will continue to help grow the Gem State economy. This includes natural resource based jobs, which have been all but eliminated due to overzealous federal regulation. Being born and raised in Wallace, Idaho, I know first hand what natural resources mean to this State, and I will advocate for Legislation allowing these industries to responsibly operate, providing jobs and continued economic growth.

Providing local healthcare reform is another pillar of my platform. As a Legislator, I strongly opposed the Affordable Care Act, “Obamacare,” and have helped lead the fight against it. We will continue to be proactive and support open markets and transparency, so those who carry insurance know their costs. As the Lt. Governor and alongside Idaho’s next Governor, I will continue our fight for quality, affordable healthcare in our state.

These are the issues impacting our citizens, and I have the best plan and experience to execute these changes. As your Lt. Governor, my passion will be to represent the needs of you, the people, of this great State, just as I have done for the past 14 years. Experience Matters. Experience Counts. Idaho needs Nonini, and I need your support on Tuesday, May 15th.

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