
BLM Agent Daniel P. Love Named in Investigation

— Reprinted with permission from Redoubt News —

The truth is being revealed, as we all prayed that it would.

Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Agent Daniel P. Love has been breaking the law for years. Using and abusing his authority to run his own personal fiefdom. Bullying citizens until they commit suicide. All while believing he was above the law. Or so a report released last month seems to indicate.

Yet, when the information was released, the report redacted his name and the public was left to guess at who it was referring to. There was enough information to conclude that the investigation likely focused on Love, but it was only this week that this was proved to be true.

On February 14th, a letter from U.S. Reps. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, and Blake Farenthold, R-Texas, named Daniel P. Love and questions an investigation that points to the deletion of hundreds of documents the day before a congressional investigative committee issued a subpoena for these documents.

The letter asks the Office of the Inspector General to further investigate Love. It outlines witness tampering, destruction of documents, and obstruction of a congressional investigation. As felonies, someone should be heading for prison, if the allegations are proved to be true.

The Congressional letter indicates that several documents were destroyed in February 2016, so it would seem that Love’s behavior did not limit itself, but continues like a reign of terror.

Chaffetz is particularly interested in finding out who leaked the info of the subpoena, and specifically mentions that former BLM Director Neil Kornze was provided, as a courtesy, advance notice of the congressional document request, as the dates seem very coincidental.

Love was also the agent in charge of the Bunkerville fiasco which resulted in good patriot citizens being incarcerated unjustly for over a year. The first trial of six prisoners began this month in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Love is the prosecution’s star witness and I, for one, am looking forward to the defense being able to cross-examine this man.I would much prefer, however, for the government to release all of these political prisoners now.

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