John Livingston

Government Man or Man of the People

Last night was a great debate for the Trump-Vance ticket. J. D. Vance is a skilled debater and communicator. He is a serious prosecutor of the truth. He put on a clinic on the merits based on a political philosophy grounded in Natural Law and Biblical principles. Mr. Walz made a fleeting reference to Mathew—taken completely out of context reminding us of a scene in the Third Act of Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice—” the devil can cite Scripture for his purpose. An evil soul producing holy witness Is like a villain with a smiling cheek, A goodly apple rot.”

J. D. was the smartest but not the loudest person in the room. The debate was three on one, and J. D. Vance handled all three with equanimity and magnanimity. The real turning moment in the debate was when J. D. confronted the questioners about their biased fact checking and then they turned off the microphones. That moment should have been a metaphor for all America to see what has been going on in our country. That exchange was important on the merits, but most importantly it showed the overt bias of the media. It was a public evisceration by a skilled and confident debater. The “newsreader info-babes” weren’t up to the challenge.

In both college and professional football before every season, the referees travel around to the teams training camps and address what will be for the upcoming season “points of emphasis” regarding the enforcement of rules. This is precisely the process that those who are pulling the political strings of the Democratic nominees and their agendas have done. Early in the campaign they have established what “the points of emphasis” should be and how those points of emphasis will be used to process the campaign message of the Dems as they move forward. So far, their side has been unable to adjust either their message or their strategy and the American people have caught on and we don’t like it.

For the Vice-Presidential debate, it was obvious that the questions (points of emphasis) had been developed a long time ago and were incorporated into a political narrative that would favor the progressive-socialist political philosophy of the Obama-Harris regimen. The CBS anchors (newsreaders-info-babes they) were incredibly ill prepared to debate Mr. Vance. Their choice of questions and the different manner in which they addressed Mr. Vance and Mr. Walz was striking. Childcare, abortion, gun control, climate change and democracy on Jan. 6th out of the box. They did not ask about immigration, energy, or electric media mandates that are crucial issues to workers in lower Michigan and the Upper Midwest.

Christ Troupis Book

Given the fact that either man standing before the American People could become President and Commander in Chief and future architect of our foreign policy, there was only one question on foreign policy—out the box about supporting Isreal vs Iran. No questions on the Afghanistan surrender, no questions about our military readiness, no questions about enlistments and reenlistments being at low levels not seen since after Viet Nam. No questions about only 6/12 carrier groups not being operationally ready for combat.

The media-progressive-corporate complex—including many former Republicans like the Cheney-Bush—Romney—Ryan Country Club Establishment tribe, have a vested interest in continuing the present-day narrative and policies that have created inflation, increased interest rates, instability in Eastern Europe and the Middle East, and an immigration policy that every day is proving to be more disastrous. Their only way back to relevancy and power is if Mr. Trump loses. They care more about their own positions of power than they do about everyday Americans and their country.

Mr. Vance softened the edges around Mr. Trump in a big way. The progressive narrative is steeped in empathy and sympathy—words but not action. Mr. Vance last night conveyed the Christian virtue of compassion—action not words. This is the way forward for our cause.

Mr. Trump has proven prescient in his choice for Vice President. He should himself take a page from the J. D. Vance playbook. The “point of emphasis” for the next 5 weeks should be on proven actions—not words and promises of a utopian future paid for by—as Mr. Walz said last night by “Investments”. Every time I hear a government man or woman use that term I cringe. What they are really talking about is a claim on the labor and individual wages and wealth—taxes, With overall inflation during the past 3 1/2 years at 22 percent, with real wages down by more than 10%, with the price of food, housing, retirement, and a college education going up, how much more of the private pie do the “government men” want? Ans. Enough to buy off 50% of the electorate.

Mr. Walz last night proved to be a “GOVERNMENT MAN”

Mr. Vance last night proved to be “A MAN OF THE PEOPLE”

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