
Gem State Patriot 2022 GOP Primary Endorsements

We are now down to just TWO DAYS until the 2022 Idaho GOP Primary Election! Here are our endorsements.

Federal Office

United States Senator: Brenda Bourn OR Scott Trotter
United States Representative—District 1: Russ Fulcher (Unopposed in GOP Primary)
United States Representative—District 2: Bryan Smith

State Constitutional Officers

Governor: Janice McGeachin
Lieutenant Governor: Priscilla Giddings
Secretary of State: Dorothy Moon
State Controller: Brandon D Woolf (Unopposed in GOP Primary)
State Treasurer: Julie A. Ellsworth (Unopposed in GOP Primary)
Attorney General: Raúl Labrador
Superintendent of Public Instruction: Branden Durst

Legislative District #1

State Senator: Scott Herndon
State Representative, Position A: Spencer Hutchings
State Representative, Position B: Todd Engel

Christ Troupis Book
Legislative District #2

State Senator: Phil Hart
State Representative, Position A: Heather Scott (2022 Freedom Index Score 100%) (Unopposed)
State Representative, Position B: Dale Hawkins (Unopposed in GOP Primary)

Legislative District #3

State Senator: Doug “Doug O” Okuniewicz (2022 Freedom Index Score 93.4%) (Unopposed)
State Representative, Position A: Vito Barbieri (2022 Freedom Index Score 93.4%) (Unopposed)
State Representative, Position B: Jordan Redman

Legislative District #4

State Senator: Ben Toews
State Representative, Position A: Joe Alfieri
State Representative, Position B: Elaine Price

Legislative District #5

State Senator: Carl Bjerke
State Representative, Position A: Ron Mendive (2022 Freedom Index Score 91.8%)
State Representative, Position B: Tony Wisniewski (2022 Freedom Index Score 95.9%) (Unopposed in GOP Primary)

Legislative District #6

State Senator: Dan Foreman
State Representative, Position A: Claudia Dalby
State Representative, Position B: NO ENDORSEMENT

Legislative District #7

State Senator: Cindy Carlson
State Representative, Position A: Mike Kingsley (2022 Freedom Index Score 86.9%)
State Representative, Position B: NO ENDORSEMENT

Legislative District #8

State Senator: Jon Krueger
State Representative, Position A: Rob Beiswenger
State Representative, Position B: NO ENDORSEMENT

Legislative District #9

State Senator: Jordan Marques
State Representative, Position A: Jacyn Gallagher
State Representative, Position B: Judy Boyle (2022 Freedom Index Score 74.2%)

Legislative District #10

State Senator: Tammy Nichols (2022 Freedom Index Score 98.4%)
State Representative, Position A: Rachel Hazelip
State Representative, Position B: Coral Kenagy

Legislative District #11

State Senator: Chris Trakel
State Representative, Position A: NO ENDORSEMENT
State Representative, Position B: Kent A. Marmon

Legislative District #12

State Senator: Thomas Netzley
State Representative, Position A: Machele Hamilton
State Representative, Position B: Jaron Crane

Legislative District #13

State Senator: Brian Lenney
State Representative, Position A: NO ENDORSEMENT
State Representative, Position B: Roger Hunt

Legislative District #14

State Senator: Steven Thayn (2022 Freedom Index Score 58.7%)
State Representative, Position A: Tracey L. Koellisch
State Representative, Position B: Josh Tanner

Legislative District #15

State Senator: Codi Galloway (2022 Freedom Index Score 74.2%)
State Representative, Position A: NO ENDORSEMENT
State Representative, Position B: NO ENDORSEMENT

Legislative District #16

State Representative, Position A: NO ENDORSEMENT
State Representative, Position B: Jackie Davidson

Legislative District #17

State Representative, Position A: NO ENDORSEMENT
State Representative, Position B: NO ENDORSEMENT

Legislative District #18

State Representative, Position A: NO ENDORSEMENT
State Representative, Position B: NO ENDORSEMENT

Legislative District #19

State Representative, Position A: NO ENDORSEMENT
State Representative, Position B: NO ENDORSEMENT

Legislative District #20

State Senator: Rosa Martinez
State Representative, Position A: Gloria Urwin
State Representative, Position B: Mike Hon

Legislative District #21

State Senator: Thad Butterworth
State Representative, Position A: Tara Pugmire
State Representative, Position B: Caleb Pirc

Legislative District #22

State Representative, Position A: Greg Ferch (2022 Freedom Index Score 97.5%)
State Representative, Position B: NO ENDORSEMENT

Legislative District #23

State Senator: Steve Allmer
State Representative, Position A: Michael Law
State Representative, Position B: Tina Lambert

Legislative District #24

State Senator: Glenneda Zuiderveld
State Representative, Position A: Tori Orgain-Wakewood
State Representative, Position B: Creighton Knight

Legislative District #25

State Representative, Position A: NO ENDORSEMENT
State Representative, Position B: Rocky Ferrenburg

Legislative District #26

State Senator: Eric Parker
State Representative, Position A: NO ENDORSEMENT
State Representative, Position B: Lyle Johnstone

Legislative District #27

State Senator: Jeanie Hakes
State Representative, Position A: NO ENDORSEMENT
State Representative, Position B: Kevin Williams

Legislative District #28

State Senator: Art da Rosa
State Representative, Position A: Dawn L. Morrell
State Representative, Position B: NO ENDORSEMENT

Legislative District #29

State Senator: David T. Worley (Unopposed in GOP Primary)
State Representative, Position A: S. Craig Yadon
State Representative, Position B: Jake Stevens

Legislative District #30

State Senator: Jerry D Bingham
State Representative, Position A: NO ENDORSEMENT
State Representative, Position B: Julianne Young (2022 Freedom Index Score 86.9%) (Unopposed in GOP Primary)

Legislative District #31

State Senator: Fran Bryson
State Representative, Position A: Karey Hanks (2022 Freedom Index Score 98.4%)
State Representative, Position B: Darnell Shipp

Legislative District #32

State Senator: Keith Newberry
State Representative, Position A: Nicholas T. Christiansen
State Representative, Position B: NO ENDORSEMENT

Legislative District #33

State Senator: Bryan Scholz
State Representative, Position A: Barbara Ehardt (2022 Freedom Index Score 88.5%)
State Representative, Position B: NO ENDORSEMENT

Legislative District #34

State Representative, Position A: Jason “JD” Drollinger
State Representative, Position B: Ron Nate (2022 Freedom Index Score 97.5%)

Legislative District #35

State Senator: Doug Toomer
State Representative, Position A: Kevin Andrus (2022 Freedom Index Score 73.4%)
State Representative, Position B: Chad Christensen (2022 Freedom Index Score 99.2%)

Ada County

Sheriff: Doug Traubel

Presidents' Day Sale: Up to 40% off

36 replies on “Gem State Patriot 2022 GOP Primary Endorsements”

NO NO NO on Labrador. Send that dog back to the pound.
US Senator: Scott Trotter is a God fearing Christian man. Not afraid to break out in a chorus of How Great is Our God at a candidate for. He is OUR choice.

I beg to differ!! YES YES YES on Labrador!!! He was one of the 2010 Liberty candidates who won and went to D.C. and challenged the elites and establishment politicians who ignore the Constitution and the people. He swore he wouldn’t stay on and become one of them and he lived up to his promise, leaving after two terms. He is also a God-fearing Christian and a man of integrity. He understands what it means to adhere to the Constitution and he will do his best to challenge those who would push overreach! VOTE FOR LABRADOR!!

I agree , Labrador actually fought for us when he was in congress. I think he is a proven conservative that knows what to expect.

Great list. Can Raul run for Governor and AG? The AG’s Office needs reforming just like the Govs. Does the AG work for “The People” or for the Governor and the Legislature (lobbyists)?

This Idaho 2022 primary is crucial that we get true conservatives and not rhinos back in office in our legislature. This list is Good cross second of Conservatives for the People and not big lobbyist and a big business.

Nugie: What has Janice done during her stint as Lt Gov. that makes you think she will make a good Gov.?

I haven’t heard if she’ll give back the 1.8 B in stimmie money that Little is holding on to. Bet she won’t. That’s why I’m voting for Bundy.

Bundy dropped out of the republican candidates. You will be able to vote for him in the November election. We need you to vote in the primary election and defeat Little there. My first choice is Ed Humphreys.

Your vote will be wasted on Ed he is only polling 6 to 10% and is being used as a shill for the rino’s but doesn’t realize it.

Your going to have to wait till November to vote for Bundy and he will be our only hope is Janice loses.

She has stood up to Little an is not afraid to attack IACI who now has Facebook on their Board. Humphreys is too inexperienced and doesn’t realize he is a shill for the rino’s

Thank you for the endorsement! I will do my best to live up to your faith in me. I will fight for liberty and transparency in government.

Love ya Jason but you play too much ball with the Rino’s. You may have a 98 at CPAC but at home you have a 70.9 at the IFF.

Agree with every position but Governor. Humphries has the plan to dig in and reveal the corruption.

Humphries is polling at less than 10 percent. He will win nothing, however will succeed in pulling enough votes away from Gretchen, thus we get Little for four more years!

Agreed. It’s not “quitting” when you put the good of the people first…

Are there any open seats for Judges and School board? Can you also provide info on conservative candidates?

Thanks for the vote of confidence! We have so many great candidates running this year. Let’s clean up the Senate swamp!

Raul is an Immigration attorney is he not?
During a town hall meeting in Cottonwood, Idaho he not only infactically denied illegals collect Medicaid and foodstamp benefits, he became loud and beligernt to both State Senator Sherry Nuxoll and myself insinuating we were attacking Latinos. I myself am part Latino. With the flood of illegal immigrants on our border is this not a concern?

Humphreys says all the right things… but Janice McGeachin will do all the right things when she becomes Governor to get Idaho back on track to stay the conservative, red state that the people of Idaho want and expect it to be. McGeachin for Governor!

Janice McGeachin has a gutsy proven “will do” the right thing for Idaho record. I know what I’m getting with her. Humphries at this point is promises. Janice McGeachin for Governor!

Raul Labrador has a proven conservative congressional record in Congress. Labrador would make a great AG.

Great list, needs to be spread to family and friends. Conservatives need to unite, don’t let liberals win by default.

Thank you all for leaving comments. It is good to have a discussion with conservatives. It is difficult to vet everyone by yourself.

this is not just another election . We are at a 4 way junction. Many of our senators are not true to Idaho people. They are the the mentally damaged. Federalism Controls them. Federalism is the hook from which the unsuspecting are caught and those who fish for us are from a socialist Standard. Politicians in Idaho especially those in the Senate are part of the sellout to the federal Government. We have watched as they amass power through gifts from these Socialist Elites…… Whenever legislators endeavor to take away peoples freedom of choice(AKA the failed COVID-! )destroy the Liberties of the people (through unfair taxation) or to reduce them to slavery under their arbitrary power (Medical Tyranny), they place themselves into a state of war with the people of Idaho, who are therefore absolved from any further obedience to their tyranny. Our Children will bear the cost of our not being able to elect those we need to resecure those freedoms. Verify who you vote for. and those who can make a difference need to be part of this new America coming for the OLD Guard only wishes more control over our lives.

You are your best friend or worst enemy. You must now find those which best suit your interests. Remember Thid political Unit is at war with you the people (Mask mandates, Medical tyranny, and egregious taxation. Truly we must end any tyranny if we are to have a ghood future for our Children. The time is late for good men and women to find that person who best suits your needs.

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