Opinions / Op-eds

What can We the People do about China?

Last July, I was privileged to attend the Idaho GOP Convention. While there, I met many good people. One, in particular, asked me about the Resolution that we would support Israel if it were attacked. My simple response was that the United States had an agreement with Israel, and we should honor it.

Regarding the position of American foreign policy, many quote Thomas Jefferson’s farewell address: “peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations—entangling alliances with none.” Their meaning is that America should not have military or defense agreements with other nations, but only commercial and friendship relationships. I agree! However, America made a conscious choice to change its position in foreign affairs.

After WWII, America found itself in a peculiar position, where we would need to step up and replace England as a Superpower to maintain peace in this world. To accomplish this new goal, we sponsored the UN and promoted the Dollar as the world reserve currency.

Along the way, America found itself needing to support our allies, friends of the United States. Thus, we joined Israel in a defense pact, the US-Israel Defense Pact.

That is not the only defense agreement that we entered into. Communist China was a threat to world peace, so we signed the Sino-American Mutual Defense Treaty with Taiwan, vowing to defend it if it comes under attack.

Do I agree with these pacts, even if they violate Jefferson’s admonition? My answer is the same: we should honor our agreements.

While Israel is not under any immediate invasion threat, Taiwan is. China has been flexing its muscle, stealing our technology, building up its military, and launching missiles around Taiwan.

Does anybody believe that the ultimate goal for China is merely Taiwan? No. Whatever China’s goals are, Taiwan is a steppingstone, and America is the obstacle.

The previous strategy against China was to engage it commercially and build it up so that it will not see America and the rest of the world as enemies. The pacification strategy failed.

It is beyond the ability of the average Idahoan to stop the sale of our reserve petroleum to China or move the bulk of computer manufacturing back to America, or even stop them from buying up our farmlands. These are beyond the ability of most of us.

The constitution study group that I am engaged in is going over Tocqueville’s Democracy in America. Right now, we are studying the concept of Majority, as explained by Tocqueville. I would have called it Public Opinion instead. Unlike a despotic country, We the People are the true sovereign of America. Our elected representatives will listen to us…if the Public Opinion shifts towards one of America First.

To do so, I want to remind you of recommendations by other patriots to buy American. Also, join a patriotic group. Be active in civic responsibilities. Master the freedom principles that are the foundation of America. And, finally, be an example of virtue in your daily dealings with the world and with your neighbors. Simple as these steps may sound, they work.

I want to close by sharing this quote often attributed to Abraham Lincoln: America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.

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One reply on “What can We the People do about China?”

“Thomas Jefferson’s farewell address: “peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations—entangling alliances with none.” Their meaning is that America should not have military or defense agreements with other nations, but only commercial and friendship relationships. I agree! HOWEVER,”

The proverbial BUT. I’m glad that this is just your opinion.

Here is another opinion.

“America is a golden calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the biggest welfare state that we will create and control…
This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly.”
Benjamin Netanyahu, employed at the time as a Soviet agent, in a covert conversation taped in 1990 @ Finks Jerusalem, a well known Mossad hangout. Taken directly from the transcript of the recording which was and has been 100% authenticated.
And another:

“We control the United States. And the Americans know it.”
–Former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.

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