John Livingston

We Will Pray for Them

The cries of fascism, racism, sexism, and isim-ism, continue to be bantered about by info babes and gals and those in the written media even two weeks after the election. Unfortunately, a withered worn-out endomorph in Hollywood has published a “screed” on his web page that can only be produced by a heart infected by a progressive humanistic gnostic hate that needs to be addressed and confronted. Hate in any form is evil. Hate always needs to be confronted—immediately. His words taken directly from his WEB Page and described by Breitbart:

The Bowling for Columbine director kicked off his attack on America by recounting the “genocide of 20 million Native Americans,” slavery, and the Vietnam war, which quickly led him to the proclamation “We are not a good people,” a line he printed in bold type. AMERICA’S EVIL LED US DIRECTLY TO TRUMPS ELECTION, the Anti-American Moore wrote in bold letters.

“We have a non-stop cavalcade, a sordid laundry list of evil deeds that led us directly to last week, to the point where we the people, by popular vote, elected a 34-time convicted felon, a fascist, and a civilly charged and convicted sexual abuser to be our 47th president of the United States. And we did so after he clearly and quite honestly warned us that he was going to do a mass round-up and deportation of nearly 15 million people,”

Thank goodness he didn’t call 75million Americans who voted for Mr. Trump “deplorables” or “garbage” or point out that many of us “cling to our Bibles and guns”. He also didn’t seem too concerned about the 80 million little baby girls and boys who were aborted since Roe, nor did he point out that the rate of abortions has actually increased since the Dobb’s Supreme Court ruling—due mostly to the use of abortifacient drugs and not surgical abortions.

Christ Troupis Book

He also didn’t point out how 500,000 souls died fighting to confront the evil of slavery in our great civil war. Or how because of The American moral commitment that fought totalitarianism and Nazism, in WWII we lost over 600,000 men and women. Or how Ronald Reagan partnering with Lech Walesa and Pope John Paul II fought the greatest War in the history of mankind without firing a single shot or losing a single American life, while liberating all of Communist controlled Russia and Eastern Europe—remember peace through strength? How soon we forget or how soon the liberal media and modernist historians allow us to forget.

In Mathew 22:39 and in Leviticus 19:18 we are told to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. We are also told that our neighbor is not just those we like, but even those who we despise. I confess that I am having trouble “loving” Michael Moore today after reading his hateful words about my friends and fellow Trumpians. I will pray for people like him knowing that is probably all I can do, and please God forgive me. knowing that by telling them I am “praying for them” makes them even apoplectic! I still have work to do regarding this issue.

The condescension toward those they perceive to be of lesser class, lesser intelligence, or less educated than they is palpable. That sense of moral superiority that is dripping from the heart and soul of liberal progressive elitists in the hours and now weeks after the election is precisely what fueled the campaign of Donald Trump and conservatives in the down ballot races. The Superiority of certain classes of people is an old as human history. Ancient Rome and Greece. The Optimates and Populares were labels given to political groups, families and ideologies in the late Roman Republic. Feudal Laws in Medieval Europe resulted in wars and rebellions. Feudalism broadly defined was a way of constructing society around relationships derived from the holding of land in exchange for service or labor or military protection. That was a form of social contract. Enlightenment authors—especially Montesquieu in France helped to form a political philosophy whereby the merchant and farmer were held in higher political regard than the Feudal Lord who may have even owned the property upon which they labored. This political change of thinking about the relationship between the classes was the bases of the writings and words produced from The Enlightenment Period of history.

I believe that Donald Trump and MAGA are ushering in a new modern-day enlightenment where the value of working-class people, the entrepreneur, the small businessman and family farmer will soon rise to the top of the “new social order”. Feudalism died, monarchy died, imperialism and colonialism died, communism died quickly after killing almost a billion people in less than a century. Elitism-condescension and the classification of people into groups based on color or ethnicity or religion is dying. The New Enlightenment, a new world of meritocracy where we will be judged by “the content of our character” is just in its infancy. This is what the establishment classes are afraid of—including Michael Morre.

With MAGA we are seeing a return to the Enlightenment Principles enshrined in our founding documents. They have been denigrated over and over again by the likes of Michael Moore. Like Ramous and Romulus these sycophants are latched onto the powers that be as depicted in The Capitoline Wolf. Court Jesters they, adding no value to the lives of those they try to marginalize. They are seeing their own access to power—and in their own eye’s legitimacy, coming to an end. They are so short-sighted that they don’t realize why the pendulum is swinging back to those who really are making America Great Again.

American Exceptionalism is on the rise. The people that make America work are the people who work. They work raising their families. They work in their jobs. They want to first invest in their families before they have to pay taxes that support bureaucracies that have gone way beyond the functions of government that were envisioned by our founding documents—life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”—Thomas Jefferson. And property John Locke. The fruits of our labors belong to us not to a government that is so top heavy that for every $3.50 that comes into it in the form of tax revenues, only $1.00 goes back to the people in the form of services or infrastructure.

As for the likes of Michael Moore—I’ll pray for you.

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